I think your acquisition is cutting off some cerebellum, and in any case has a very steep intensity drop off in the cerebellum and brainstem. Is it slab selective in that direction? You might try increasing the size of the slab or lengthening your slab-select pulse, or including some oversampling in that direction.

On Tue, 25 Oct 2011, Gergely Orsi wrote:

SZEMAN2.tar.gz have just been uploaded.

Thank you


2011/10/25 Gergely Orsi <gergo.o...@gmail.com>
      Yes of course, just a minute.

2011/10/25 Bruce Fischl <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
      I meant canyou tar and gzip the subject and ftp it to us

On Tue, 25 Oct 2011, Gergely Orsi wrote:

      Here you are:

      # Title Segmentation Statistics
      # generating_program mri_segstats
      # cvs_version $Id: mri_segstats.c,v 2009/02/11 22:38:51 nicks 
Exp $
      # cmdline mri_segstats --seg mri/aseg.mgz --sum stats/aseg.stats --pv
      mri/norm.mgz --excludeid 0 --brain-vol-from-seg --brainmask
      mri/brainmask.mgz --in mri/norm.mgz --in-intensity-name norm
      --in-intensity-units MR --etiv --subject SZEMAN2 --surf-wm-vol --ctab
      # sysname  Linux
      # hostname kutato16
      # machine  x86_64
      # user     kutato16
      # anatomy_type volume
      # SUBJECTS_DIR /home/kutato/freesurfer/subjects
      # subjectname SZEMAN2
      # BrainMaskFile  mri/brainmask.mgz
      # BrainMaskFileTimeStamp  2011/09/30 14:48:41
      # Measure BrainMask, BrainMaskNVox, Number of Brain Mask Voxels, 1460346,
      # Measure BrainMask, BrainMaskVol, Brain Mask Volume, 1460346.000000, mm^3
      # Measure BrainSegNotVent, BrainSegVolNotVent, Brain Segmentation Volume
      Without Ventricles, 964476.000000, mm^3
      # Measure BrainSeg, BrainSegNVox, Number of Brain Segmentation Voxels, 
      986721, unitless
      # Measure BrainSeg, BrainSegVol, Brain Segmentation Volume, 986721.000000,
      # Measure IntraCranialVol, ICV, Intracranial Volume, 900902.902900, mm^3
      # SegVolFile mri/aseg.mgz
      # SegVolFileTimeStamp  2011/09/30 21:17:55
      # ColorTable /home/kutato/freesurfer/ASegStatsLUT.txt
      # ColorTableTimeStamp 2009/08/11 14:24:37
      # InVolFile  mri/norm.mgz
      # InVolFileTimeStamp  2011/09/30 15:23:28
      # InVolFrame 0
      # PVVolFile  mri/norm.mgz
      # PVVolFileTimeStamp  2011/09/30 15:23:28
      # surface-based-volume mm3 lh-cerebral-white-matter 199672.312500
      # surface-based-volume mm3 rh-cerebral-white-matter 200666.875000
      # surface-based-volume mm3 tot-cerebral-white-matter 400339.187500
      # ExcludeSegId 0
      # VoxelVolume_mm3 1
      # TableCol  1 ColHeader Index
      # TableCol  1 FieldName Index
      # TableCol  1 Units     NA
      # TableCol  2 ColHeader SegId
      # TableCol  2 FieldName Segmentation Id
      # TableCol  2 Units     NA
      # TableCol  3 ColHeader NVoxels
      # TableCol  3 FieldName Number of Voxels
      # TableCol  3 Units     unitless
      # TableCol  4 ColHeader Volume_mm3
      # TableCol  4 FieldName Volume
      # TableCol  4 Units     mm^3
      # TableCol  5 ColHeader StructName
      # TableCol  5 FieldName Structure Name
      # TableCol  5 Units     NA
      # TableCol  6 ColHeader normMean
      # TableCol  6 FieldName Intensity normMean
      # TableCol  6 Units     MR
      # TableCol  7 ColHeader normStdDev
      # TableCol  7 FieldName Itensity normStdDev
      # TableCol  7 Units     MR
      # TableCol  8 ColHeader normMin
      # TableCol  8 FieldName Intensity normMin
      # TableCol  8 Units     MR
      # TableCol  9 ColHeader normMax
      # TableCol  9 FieldName Intensity normMax
      # TableCol  9 Units     MR
      # TableCol 10 ColHeader normRange
      # TableCol 10 FieldName Intensity normRange
      # TableCol 10 Units     MR
      # NRows 49
      # NTableCols 10
      # ColHeaders  Index SegId NVoxels Volume_mm3 StructName normMean 
      normMin normMax normRange 
        1   2    181224   181224.0  Left-Cerebral-White-Matter       
      7.8273    37.0000   124.0000    87.0000
        2   3    220289   220289.0  Left-Cerebral-Cortex              73.9965   
      10.0547    25.0000   109.0000    84.0000
        3   4      9827     9827.0  Left-Lateral-Ventricle            38.7152   
      10.8311    21.0000    89.0000    68.0000
        4   5       472      472.0  Left-Inf-Lat-Vent                 58.1272   
      10.0729    36.0000    97.0000    61.0000
        5   7     11866    11866.0  Left-Cerebellum-White-Matter      
      7.6396    41.0000   110.0000    69.0000
        6   8     29669    29669.0  Left-Cerebellum-Cortex            62.3768   
      10.6794    17.0000    94.0000    77.0000
        7  10      6422     6422.0  Left-Thalamus-Proper              
      8.1825    54.0000   114.0000    60.0000
        8  11      3645     3645.0  Left-Caudate                      
      8.2356    52.0000   110.0000    58.0000
        9  12      5670     5670.0  Left-Putamen                      
      5.7430    62.0000   111.0000    49.0000
       10  13      1860     1860.0  Left-Pallidum                    
      3.8920    85.0000   116.0000    31.0000
       11  14      1023     1023.0  3rd-Ventricle                     46.9565   
      12.7555    28.0000    78.0000    50.0000
       12  15      1027     1027.0  4th-Ventricle                     34.1996   
      12.3672    11.0000    73.0000    62.0000
       13  16     12081    12081.0  Brain-Stem                        91.9390   
      11.8567    44.0000   113.0000    69.0000
       14  17      2538     2538.0  Left-Hippocampus                  
      8.1671    29.0000   109.0000    80.0000
       15  18       952      952.0  Left-Amygdala                     
      7.1404    55.0000   105.0000    50.0000
       16  24      1785     1785.0  CSF                               57.1199   
      13.1850    29.0000    95.0000    66.0000
       17  26       592      592.0  Left-Accumbens-area               
      5.7364    60.0000   104.0000    44.0000
       18  28      3806     3806.0  Left-VentralDC                   
      9.6848    51.0000   115.0000    64.0000
       19  30       190      190.0  Left-vessel                       71.0192   
      10.0774    43.0000    96.0000    53.0000
       20  31      1895     1895.0  Left-choroid-plexus               54.4754   
      12.4270    24.0000    96.0000    72.0000
       21  41    188053   188053.0  Right-Cerebral-White-Matter      
      7.7683    38.0000   122.0000    84.0000
       22  42    216751   216751.0  Right-Cerebral-Cortex             
      9.8270    24.0000   106.0000    82.0000
       23  43      9286     9286.0  Right-Lateral-Ventricle           39.9627   
      11.6894    21.0000    93.0000    72.0000
       24  44       246      246.0  Right-Inf-Lat-Vent                50.3990   
      10.5551    27.0000    78.0000    51.0000
       25  46     11000    11000.0  Right-Cerebellum-White-Matter     
      6.5420    44.0000   108.0000    64.0000
       26  47     36257    36257.0  Right-Cerebellum-Cortex           65.1387   
      10.4182    21.0000    94.0000    73.0000
       27  49      6546     6546.0  Right-Thalamus-Proper             
      8.3261    54.0000   114.0000    60.0000
       28  50      3700     3700.0  Right-Caudate                     
      8.0259    48.0000   116.0000    68.0000
       29  51      4879     4879.0  Right-Putamen                     
      5.6211    64.0000   111.0000    47.0000
       30  52      1459     1459.0  Right-Pallidum                   
      3.4972    88.0000   114.0000    26.0000
       31  53      3925     3925.0  Right-Hippocampus                 
      7.5244    49.0000   107.0000    58.0000
       32  54      1406     1406.0  Right-Amygdala                    
      6.0069    55.0000   107.0000    52.0000
       33  58       604      604.0  Right-Accumbens-area              
      5.7372    60.0000   108.0000    48.0000
       34  60      3824     3824.0  Right-VentralDC                  100.9456   
      10.2128    47.0000   113.0000    66.0000
       35  62        72       72.0  Right-vessel                      
      6.7526    55.0000    84.0000    29.0000
       36  63      1781     1781.0  Right-choroid-plexus              56.6733   
      10.7892    27.0000    93.0000    66.0000
       37  72        12       12.0  5th-Ventricle                     
      6.7352    52.0000    75.0000    23.0000
       38  77      1148     1148.0  WM-hypointensities                78.2284   
      11.3100    44.0000   109.0000    65.0000
       39  78         0        0.0  Left-WM-hypointensities            
      0.0000     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
       40  79         0        0.0  Right-WM-hypointensities           
      0.0000     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
       41  80        28       28.0  non-WM-hypointensities            65.2750   
      11.5603    45.0000    89.0000    44.0000
       42  81         0        0.0  Left-non-WM-hypointensities        
      0.0000     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
       43  82         0        0.0  Right-non-WM-hypointensities       
      0.0000     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
       44  85       344      344.0  Optic-Chiasm                      85.2781   
      19.9109    32.0000   116.0000    84.0000
       45 251       700      700.0  CC_Posterior                     
      8.1882    77.0000   119.0000    42.0000
       46 252       319      319.0  CC_Mid_Posterior                 104.1261   
      12.7185    65.0000   119.0000    54.0000
       47 253       325      325.0  CC_Central                       
      9.7545    73.0000   119.0000    46.0000
       48 254       348      348.0  CC_Mid_Anterior                  
      9.0198    80.0000   119.0000    39.0000
       49 255       752      752.0  CC_Anterior                      
      9.3344    65.0000   120.0000    55.0000

      2011/10/25 Bruce Fischl <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
           can you send us an example of one that is way off?

      On Tue, 25 Oct 2011, Gergely Orsi wrote:

           Dear Bruce and others,

           We have just ran into strange ICV volumes.

           For all our 100+ subjets, the total icv is around 1500cm3 
           (around 1300-1700).

           For the new group (only 7 subjects) the average ICV is
           around 1200  (ranging from 900-1500).

           This is almost microcephalia, but they are normal.

           If we take a look at the brainseg volume or brain mask
           volumes they are larger than the total ICV (for e.g.
           subject 5 has brainmaskvol: 1440; brainseg
           vol: 1021; ICV 1036)

           This is not right. It's kind'a strange that someone has
           bigger brain than skull :)

           I was using freesurfer 4.5 for both groups.

           Do you have any idea what did I miss?



           2011/10/3 Bruce Fischl <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
                The stuff outside the pial surface won't affect
           things, which is one of the reasons we prefer the
           surface-based measured of cortical

                Similarly, we don't use the surface-based stuff in
           the hippocampus, so you should be all set (since many of
           the cortical assumptions aren't
                valid there)


           On Mon, 3 Oct 2011, Gergely Orsi wrote:

                Dear Freesurfers!!

                I've encountered two strange segmentation "errors",
           if they are errors at

                Please see the attached fs.png:

                You can see that there are excess pial tissues on the
           superior part of the
                brain. The pial surface is
                defined correctly and the excess pial tissue is
           outside the red line yet it
                is coloured pink. My question, is :

                Does this have any impact on the results?

                The second is related to the hippocampus.

                Please see the attached fs2.png:

                The pial surface around the hippocampus looks a bit
                It actually discards 1/3 of the hippocampus (it is
           outside the red line).

                Do you have any suggestions regarding the two

                I'm using FS 4.5 on several 64bit linux

                Gergely Orsi
                biologist - research associate
                Diagnostic Center of Pécs
                H-7623 Pécs, Rét str. 2.
                Tel.: 0036-70-3174676
                E-mail: gergo.o...@gmail.com

           The information in this e-mail is intended only for the
           person to whom it is
           addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in
           error and the e-mail
           contains patient information, please contact the Partners
           Compliance HelpLine at
           http://www.partners.org/complianceline . If the e-mail was
           sent to you in error
           but does not contain patient information, please contact
           the sender and properly
           dispose of the e-mail.

           Gergely Orsi
           biologist - research associate
           Diagnostic Center of Pécs
           H-7623 Pécs, Rét str. 2.
           Tel.: 0036-70-3174676
           E-mail: gergo.o...@gmail.com

      Gergely Orsi
      biologist - research associate
      Diagnostic Center of Pécs
      H-7623 Pécs, Rét str. 2.
      Tel.: 0036-70-3174676
      E-mail: gergo.o...@gmail.com

Gergely Orsi
biologist - research associate
Diagnostic Center of Pécs
H-7623 Pécs, Rét str. 2.
Tel.: 0036-70-3174676
E-mail: gergo.o...@gmail.com

Gergely Orsi
biologist - research associate
Diagnostic Center of Pécs
H-7623 Pécs, Rét str. 2.
Tel.: 0036-70-3174676
E-mail: gergo.o...@gmail.com

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