Hello FreeSurfers,

I want to compare cortical thickness differences between my two groups.  Is
this the correct pipeline?

I ran make_average_subject on each group.

To get the study thickness file in control space, I did this: mri_surf2surf
--srcsubject study --srcsurfval study/surf/lh.thickness --trgsubject
control --trgsurfval control/surf/study.thickness.mgh --hemi lh

And then to calculate the differences, I used: mris_thickness_diff -out
diff.mgh control/surf/pial control/surf/lh.thickness control/surf/pial
control/surf/study.thickness.mgh.  Is this the right way to do this?
 mris_thickness_diff says it should only be used on the same subject.
 mris_diff says it is still being tested.  I also see
mris_thickness_comparison.  Which command is the best to use to get a
thickness difference map?

Thank you very much,
Jeff Sadino
Freesurfer mailing list

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