Could someone please explain to me the difference between mri_binarize
and mri_extract_label?

I had been using mri_extract_label to create ROI masks of cerebral white
matter (2 and 41). I recently became aware that this would give me a
label with 0 and 128. I tried mri_binarize (with the same matchvals 2
and 41) and it gave me a label of 0 and 1. However, when comparing the
two in tkmedit, it appears as though the mask I created using
mri_binarize includes more of the corpus callosum region in mid-sagittal
slices. I've tried this on a couple different subjects, so I do not
think it is limited to one person. Is this a typical difference between
the two commands? And if so, which one is recommended for extracting
white matter masks?

Also to note that before running either of these commands, I also
convert the aseg.mgz to the subject's native space (using rawavg.mgz as
a template). The commands I ran are the following:

mri_label2vol --seg aseg.mgz --temp rawavg.mgz --o aseg-in-rawavg.mgz
--regheader aseg.mgz

mri_extract_label aseg-in-rawavg.mgz 2 41 cerebral_wm.nii

mri_binarize --i aseg-in-rawavg.mgz --match 2 41 --wm --o

On another note, I was wondering if there is a way to create a
probability map for the white matter. That is, instead of getting a
binary (0s and 1s) mask, I would get the probability of each voxel being
part of the white matter ROI with values ranging from 0 to 1.

Thanks for your help,

Vanessa Palzes
Staff Research Associate
Brain Imaging & EEG Lab
San Francisco VA Medical Center
4150 Clement Street
San Francisco, CA 94121
Tel: 415-221-4810 ext. 6155

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