you need to call mris_make_surfaces directly. It's a bit complicated as you need to intensity normalize and register the hires volume to the surfaces first. I have an example script if anyone is interested, but no one has used it yet but me I don't think (unless Matt Glasser has gotten his version working, which on second thought he probably has)

On Mon, 14 May 2012, Michael Waskom wrote:

Hi Bruce,
Is there a flag for this on recon-all?  Or do you need to use
mri_make_surfaces directly?


On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 2:09 PM, Bruce Fischl <>
      Hi Joshua

      yes, we already have upgraded mris_make_surfaces to take higher
      res data
      and refine the surfaces with it. Haven't tried it on the aseg
      yet, but if
      you upload a sample dataset I could see how hard it is.

      On Mon, 14 May 2012,
      Joshua Lee wrote:

      > Dear Freesurfers,
      > Over the last years, MR imaging technology hasimproved such
      that sub 1-mm
      > isotropic scans can be obtained with good signal to noise
      > For example, our lab uses 0.7mm isotropic structural MR
      images. I understand
      > that the Freesurfer pipeline will up-sample these to 1mm
      isotropic, but it
      > seems a shame that so much information is left unused which
      could be used to
      > improve the accuracy of sub-cortical and cortical
      segmentation. My question
      > is whether there are any plans at Freesurfer to change the
      > standard resolution from 1mm isotropic, or provide another
      solution that can
      > help researchers make the most of your technology.
      > Sincerely,
      > Joshua
      > -
      > Joshua
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