On 01/10/2014 11:40 AM, sujith vijayan wrote:
> Hi All
> I am using wmparc.mgz and aparc.a2009s+aseg.mgz to determine the 
> closest grey matter region for electrodes in some human epileptic 
> patients; I have the RAS coordinates of the electrodes. I have a 
> couple of questions:
> 1) When the electrode (its RAS coordinate) is close to the midline and 
> out of the grey matter it won't give me the closest grey matter label 
> (like wmparc does with the white matter). Is there someway to get this 
> in a principled manner? For example, is there a way to get a file with 
> all the RAS coordinates and the parcellation labels, so I could find 
> the closest neighbor in Matlab?
If you make a label file with the surface RAS coordinates of the 
electrodes, you can run run mri_label2label specifying the same subject 
as the source and target and --regmethod surface and --paint and it will 
map the points to the closest surface point.
> 2) The recons for three subjects were done between 2008 and 2010 using 
> freesurfer. Therefore files like aparc.a2009s+aseg.mgz,  wmparc.mgz, 
> lh.aparc.a2009s.annot are missing. Is there a simple way just to 
> recreate these set of files (one command would be great, even if it 
> takes a little bit of time)? Or does the entire recon have to be done 
> again?
If you have an installation of FS 5.3, you can run
recon-all -s subject -wmparc -cortparc2 -aparc2aseg
I think this will work on a 5.0 folder. I would make a copy of your 
subject before running it. It will regenerate the aparc+aseg.mgz file

> Thanks,
> Sujith
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