Hi Lorenzo,

I was trying to do this too, and used:

1. mri_surf2surf --srcsubject fsaverage --trgsubject $s --hemi $h
                        --sval-annot $h.yeo.annot
                        --tval $SUBJECTS_DIR/$s/label/$h.yeo.annot

2. make yeo.gtmseg.ctab - I copied gtmseg.ctab, pasted yeo network ctab at end 
(offset LH by 1000, offset RH by 2000) and added column with tissue type 
        ie.    1001    lh_17Networks_1 120  18 134   1

3. gtmseg --s $s --o yeo.gtmseg.mgz
                        --ctx-annot yeo.annot 1000 2000
                        --ctab yeo.gtmseg.ctab

4. mri_gtmpvc --i pet.nii.gz --reg template.reg.lta
                        --psf FWHM --default-seg-merge
                        --auto-mask PSF .01 --mgx .01
                        --seg yeo.gtmseg.mgz
                        --o yeo.gtmpvc.output

This worked for me, but Doug and others can tell you if this should be done 


From: freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu 
[freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu] on behalf of Lorenzo Pini 
Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 10:07
To: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Subject: [Freesurfer] Cortical Parcellation Yeo2011

Hi list,

I have already run by recon-all -all all my subjects in order to run PetSurfer. 
Output stats is saved in gtm.stats.dat and values correspond to 
Desikan-Killiany Atlas, However, I am interested in calculating values using 
Yeo atlas of 7 networks.

Do you have any suggestions to get Partial Volume Corrected values from Yeo 
atlas for each subject?
Do I have to switch to Yao atlas during recon-all -all process or during gtmseg?

Thank you

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