Hi all,
I've searched the lists extensively and have not been able to resolve my
problem. I'd greatly appreciated any help.

I have run the recon-all pipeline on a number of subjects, made the
appropriate fixes and am happy with the surfaces. For each subject, I have
a number of ROIs that are created programmatically and they are exactly as
they should be. These ROIs are on the "regular" surfaces, not the inflated
ones. In other words, opening the brainmask.mgz in freeview and just
loading the label file results in the ROI being where I expect it to be.

 I'm now trying to flip the ROI onto the contralateral hemisphere and this
is going terribly wrong. No matter what I try, the ROI ends up being
generated far outside of the brain.

I was originally trying to use the xhemi pipeline, but then I realized from
the forums that I could just use mris_left_right_register.

I've done:

cd subject/surf
mris_left_right_register lh.sphere rh.sphere lh.sphere.left_right

I've then tried using a number of varieties of mri_apply_reg that have been
listed on the forum:
1) mris_apply_reg --src-label your.lh.label --trg your.rh.label  -streg
lh.sphere lh.sphere.left_right
2) mris_apply_reg --src-label lh.source.label --streg lh.sphere.left_right
rh.sphere.left_right --trg rh.lh.source.label

No matter what I try though, the flipped ROI ends up being way outside of
the brain when I overlay it on the brainmask. Is this because the flipped
ROI should instead be visualized on the inflated hemisphere? If so, how can
I get it to overlay properly onto the brainmask so that I can be sure it's
correct? My ultimate goal is to get anatomical stats from the original and
flipped ROIs.

Thanks for your help!

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