External Email - Use Caution        

Good afternoon,

We want to find the functional areas where each electrode is located in
patients. At present, we are finding the electrode RAS coordinates manually
using CT-MRI co-registration. We are then manually searching for these
locations in Freeview using the aparc.a2009s+aseg  ATLAS (generated during
MRI reconstruction) on top of MRI volume. This is giving us the exact
anatomical/functional area where the electrode belongs. However, this is a
very tedious and time-consuming process and we need to do this for many
patients. We were wondering if there is
1. A way to automate this process by possibly entering all coordinates and
using the LUT and atlas files to get the areas easily for all points.

2. More importantly, could you tell us how to establish a method where we
can dump the anatomical region coordinates to a file, and then find the
nearest functional area to a particular electrode automatically? For
example, if a point lies in a white matter area, can we implement a process
to find which functional area (gray matter region, or say hippocampus for
example) lies CLOSEST to this electrode point in the white matter region.
Can we implement this automated process in an efficient manner for all the
points at once? We usually have anywhere between 140 -170 sets of
coordinates for each patient, and doing this by hand on freeview is not
practical.  Instead of finding where exactly all the points lie, we would
like to create a 'table' of all anatomical areas and then find out which
area of relevance lies closest to a particular point.

Thank you
Sparsh Jain
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