Hi yujunjie

I'm not positive I understand the question. How do you define "better"? And what mri_convert command are you running? Our trilinear interpolation is nothing special - just the usual definition
On Mon, 25 Feb 2019, 1013364183 wrote:

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Dear Bruce,
  Hello, we used mri_convert ?Cvs [] ?CI [] ?Co[] ?Crt interpolate to perform 
the trilinear
interpolation on the image, and also used the trilinear interpolation in the 
torch to process the
image. We found the result obtained by the interpolation method in freesurfer 
is better than the result
obtained by the trilinear interpolation method in the torch. Does the 
freesurfer perform other
operations when performing the trilinear interpolation on the image? What is 
the principle?

Thank you!

yours yujunjie

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