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I have 786 subjects that I am trying to do a paired difference analysis using 
mri_glm. I am getting stuck at the mris_preproc stage. I have tried running it 
on a handful of subjects and it works wonderfully. However, when I run it on 
all the subjects it outputs an empty file.
I think part of my problem is that I am having to do 1572 flags to enter all 
the subjects files (which I made a script to create, I did not hand type them). 
Is there a better way to do this? Do I just have too many subjects?

This is what I have that isn’t working:
mris_preproc --target fsaverage --hemi lh --isp 
$in/${network}/100206.${run1}/lhsurf.mgh --isp 
$in/${network}/100206.${run2}/lhsurf.mgh --isp 
$in/${network}/100307.${run1}/lhsurf.mgh --isp 
$in/${network}/100307.${run2}/lhsurf.mgh ……. --out 
$out/preproc_${network}_${pair}/lh.paired-diff.${network}_${pair}.mgh --f 
$sublist --paired-diff --no-cortex-only

Thanks for the help!

Sara Sims

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