This was fixed in 7.11. You can use that version or copy the attached file to this location

On 5/11/2021 2:28 PM, Zeng, Victor (BIDMC - Keshavan - Psychiatry) wrote:


I am using Matlab R2014a, and FS7.1.0

and receiving this error when I try to run -localGI. Is there a package I might be missing? Or am I using an outdated version of Matlab?

mris_smooth -nw -n 30 /mnt/V/Datasets/BSNIP2/Processing/Finished/24015_S5437DFD_ASSET/surf/tmp-mris_compute_lgi-lh.pial/lh.pial-outer-main ./lh.pial-outer-smoothed
smoothing for 30 iterations
smoothing surface tessellation for 30 iterations...
smoothing complete - recomputing first and second fundamental forms...
mris_euler_number ./lh.pial-outer-smoothed
euler # = v-e+f = 2g-2: 61554 - 184656 + 123104 = 2 --> 0 holes
      F =2V-4:          123104 = 123108-4 (0)
      2E=3F:            369312 = 369312 (0)

total defect index = 0
mris_convert -n lh.pial-outer-smoothed /mnt/V/Datasets/BSNIP2/Processing/Finished/24015_S5437DFD_ASSET/surf/tmp-mris_compute_lgi-lh.pial/lh.pial-outer-smoothed-normals.asc
find_corresponding_center_FSformat('lh.pial','lh.pial-outer-smoothed',100,'/mnt/V/Datasets/BSNIP2/Processing/Finished/24015_S5437DFD_ASSET/surf/tmp-mris_compute_lgi-lh.pial','/tmp/mrc_30700_.m'); exit

                            < M A T L A B (R) >
                  Copyright 1984-2014 The MathWorks, Inc.
                    R2014a ( 64-bit (glnxa64)
                             February 11, 2014



To get started, type one of these: helpwin, helpdesk, or demo.
For product information, visit

>> Warning: Input argument must be a string.
> In ver at 41
  In freesurfer_read_surf at 70
  In find_corresponding_center_FSformat at 26
Error using fprintf
Function is not defined for 'struct' inputs.

Error in freesurfer_read_surf (line 70)
fprintf('FREESURFER_READ_SURF [v %s]\n',ver(11:15));

Error in find_corresponding_center_FSformat (line 26)
[mesh_pial.vertices, mesh_pial.faces] = freesurfer_read_surf(pial);

ERROR: find_corresponding_center_FSformat did not complete successfully!
Command exited with non-zero status 1
@#@FSTIME  2021:05:11:17:18:12 mris_compute_lgi N 2 e 31.58 S 6.20 U 53.23 P 188% M 1319608 F 0 R 1468406 W 0 c 71733 w 7023 I 8832 O 30496 L 17.98 17.99 18.00
@#@FSLOADPOST 2021:05:11:17:18:44 mris_compute_lgi N 2 17.35 17.83 17.95
Linux Gamma 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt25-2+deb8u3 (2016-07-02) x86_64 GNU/Linux

recon-all -s 24015_S5437DFD_ASSET exited with ERRORS at Tue May 11 17:18:44 EDT 2021

For more details, see the log file /mnt/V/Datasets/BSNIP2/Processing/Finished/24015_S5437DFD_ASSET/scripts/recon-all.log To report a problem, see

Victor Zeng
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Keshavan Lab


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Freesurfer mailing list

function [vertices, faces] = freesurfer_read_surf(fname)

% freesurfer_read_surf - FreeSurfer I/O function to read a surface file
% [vertices, faces] = freesurfer_read_surf(fname)
% Reads the vertex coordinates (mm) and face lists from a surface file.
% Surface files are stored as either triangulations or quadrangulations.
% That is, for a triangulation, each face is defined by 3 vertices.  For a
% quadrangulation, each face is defined by 4 vertices.  The rows of 'faces'
% contain indices into the rows of 'vertices', the latter holds the XYZ
% coordinates of each vertex.
% The freesurfer faces index the vertices in counter-clockwise order (when
% viewed from the outside of the surface).  This is consistent with a
% right-hand rule.  If we have vertices
% C           B
%       A
% Then we can calculate an edge vector from A to B (ie, AB = B - A) and
% another edge vector from A to C (ie, AC = C - A).  If you form a "gun"
% with your thumb and forefinger of the right hand, then align your thumb
% with the AB vector and your forefinger with the AC vector, your palm is
% facing out of the screen and extending your middle finger in the
% orthogonal direction to the plane of the screen will give the outward
% surface normal of the triangle ABC.  (If you lookup "triangle" on
% Wolfram's mathworld, you can see that AB is referred to as c and AC is
% referred to as b.)
% However, if this surface is read into matlab, it will give INWARD surface
% normals in the matlab patch command.  For some reason, matlab is not
% following the right hand rule.  To get OUTWARD normals with the matlab
% patch command, use faces(:,[1 3 2]) (see below).
% The vertex coordinates are in mm.  The FreeSurfer coordinate
% system for surfaces is quite simple, but relating to their MRI
% cor-??? files is too confusing to explain here; see the FreeSurfer
% homepage or google the documentation by Graham Wideman.  For the
% surfaces, at least, the origin is somewhere in the center of the
% head, and the vertex XYZ coordinates are oriented such that +X is
% right, +Y is anterior and +Z is superior (this is the
% FreeSurfer RAS coordinate system).
% Note that reading the faces of a quad file can take a long
% time due to their compact storage format.  In this case, the return of
% vertices can be faster if the face output variable is not specified; in
% this case, the faces are not read.
% Try this to visualize the surface:
% Hp = patch('vertices',vertices,'faces',faces(:,[1 3 2]),...
%       'facecolor',[.5 .5 .5],'edgecolor','none')
% camlight('headlight','infinite')
% vertnormals = get(Hp,'vertexnormals');
% See also freesurfer_write_surf, freesurfer_read_curv,
%          freesurfer_read_wfile

% Copyright (C) 2000  Darren L. Weber

% History:  08/2000,

% There used to be a line here where ver was set to the version of
% the file. Without it, "ver" reverts to a matlab defined structure
% and generates an error.
%fprintf('FREESURFER_READ_SURF [v %s]\n',ver(11:15));

if(nargin < 1)
    help freesurfer_read_surf;

%QUAD_FILE_MAGIC_NUMBER =  (-1 & 0x00ffffff) ;
%NEW_QUAD_FILE_MAGIC_NUMBER =  (-3 & 0x00ffffff) ;

QUAD_FILE_MAGIC_NUMBER      =  16777215;

% open it as a big-endian file
fid = fopen(fname, 'rb', 'b');
if (fid < 0),
    str = sprintf('could not open surface file %s.', fname);

fprintf('...reading surface file: %s\n', fname);

magic = freesurfer_fread3(fid);

    Nvertices = freesurfer_fread3(fid);
    Nfaces = freesurfer_fread3(fid);
    fprintf('...reading %d quad file vertices\n',Nvertices);
    vertices = fread(fid, Nvertices*3, 'int16') ./ 100 ; 
    if (nargout > 1),
        fprintf('...reading %d quad file faces (please wait)\n',Nfaces);
        faces = zeros(Nfaces,4);
        for iface = 1:Nfaces,
            for n=1:4,
                faces(iface,n) = freesurfer_fread3(fid) ;
            if(~rem(iface, 10000)), fprintf(' %7.0f',iface); end
            if(~rem(iface,100000)), fprintf('\n'); end
    fprintf('...reading triangle file\n');
    tline = fgets(fid); % read creation date text line
    tline = fgets(fid); % read info text line
    Nvertices = fread(fid, 1, 'int32'); % number of vertices
    Nfaces = fread(fid, 1, 'int32'); % number of faces
    % vertices are read in column format and reshaped below
    vertices = fread(fid, Nvertices*3, 'float32');
    % faces are read in column format and reshaped
    faces = fread(fid, Nfaces*3, 'int32');
    faces = reshape(faces, 3, Nfaces)';
    str = sprintf('unknown magic number in surface file %s.', fname);

vertices = reshape(vertices, 3, Nvertices)';

fprintf('...adding 1 to face indices for matlab compatibility.\n');
faces = faces + 1;

t=toc; fprintf('...done (%6.2f sec)\n\n',t);

Freesurfer mailing list
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