External Email - Use Caution        

Hi all,

This is a reproduction of GitHub issue 1010. There is a section of recon-all 
(L5927-5930 in current dev) that states:

      # MOD: turn on T2/FLAIR pial editing when FLAIR specified
      # This can backfire, eg, if not all the preceeding steps
      # are included
      set DoT2pial         = 1;

This seems an intentional decision to make -T2 activate -T2pial (and similar 
for -FLAIR), which I suppose is a response to people running `recon-all -i $T1 
-T2 $T2 -all` without `-T2pial`. However, it also activates with -autorecon1 
and -autorecon2, which will not run -pial before -T2pial. Would you all 
consider this a bug or a caveat emptor kind of situation?

Would it make sense to add the following to -autorecon1 and -autorecon2 
(hopefully this formats okay)?

diff --git a/scripts/recon-all b/scripts/recon-all
index 4b98118264..0655097ab9 100755
--- a/scripts/recon-all
+++ b/scripts/recon-all
@@ -6869,6 +6869,7 @@ while( $#argv != 0 )
     case "-autorecon1":
+      set DoT2pial         = 0;
       set DoCreateBaseInput = 1;
       set DoMotionCor      = 1;
       set DoTalairach      = 1;
@@ -6911,6 +6912,7 @@ while( $#argv != 0 )
       set DoRemoveNeck     = 0;
       set DoSkullLTA       = 0;
       set DoSegStats       = 0;
+      set DoT2pial         = 0;
       set DoCANormalize    = 1;
       set DoGCAReg         = 1;
       set DoCALabel        = 1;

In any case, I am now adding -noT2pial and -noFLAIRpial to -T2 calls that 
aren't -all as well, which seems safe for writing commands that will work for 
both FreeSurfer 6 and 7.


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