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Dear Freesurfer Developpers,

When I look at the FreeSurfer documentation on hippocampal segmentation, I see 
that it is possible to obtain different segmentations in addition to the 
'traditionnal ' freesurfer 7 one:
- HBT: the hippocampus is subdivided into head, body and tail.
- FS60: it mimics the FreeSurfer 6.0 hippocampal module, i.e. there is no 
head/body subdivision for the hippocampus.
no head/body subdivision for hippocampal sub-regions.
- CA: the "internal" labels (GC-ML-DG and molecular layer) are absorbed by the 
CA subfields.

When I run the command line: segmentHA_T1.sh bert
I get files: hipposubfields.lh.T1.v21.stats which contain the volumes of the 
freesurfer 7 segmentation but not the other segmentations. I would like to 
generate a .stat file (one/subject) of segmentation type 'CA' , how can I do 

Thank you,

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