External Email - Use Caution        

Thank you very much.
After the updata that you suggested, this error occurs:
could not determine file for 

> Il giorno 5 mar 2024, alle ore 16:26, Douglas N. Greve 
> <dgr...@mgh.harvard.edu> ha scritto:
> I've made a patch to try to fix this. I've attached 3 files. Copy them to 
> $FREESURFER/fsfast/bin. Make them executable by running
> cd $FREESURFER/fsfast/bin
> chmod a+x rawfunc2surf-sess rawfunc2tal-sess preproc-sess 
> Let me know if that works
> On 3/5/2024 2:28 AM, Stefano Delli Pizzi wrote:
>>         External Email - Use Caution        
>> Here -debug outputs
>> preproc-sess -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -surface fsaverage lhrh -fwhm 0 -nomc 
>> -mni305 -fsd rest -per-run -sliceorder up -debug
>> set echo = 1 ;
>> breaksw
>> breaksw
>> end
>> end
>> while ( $#argv != 0 )
>> while ( 0 != 0 )
>> goto parse_args_return ;
>> goto parse_args_return
>> foreach grp ( $grpdefs )
>> foreach grp ( )
>> goto check_params ;
>> goto check_params
>> if ( $#SessList == 0 ) then
>> if ( 1 == 0 ) then
>> if ( $#SearchPathList == 0 ) then
>> if ( 0 == 0 ) then
>> set SearchPathList = "." ;
>> set SearchPathList = .
>> endif
>> endif
>> goto check_params_return ;
>> goto check_params_return
>> set UniqueList = ( ) ;
>> set UniqueList = ( )
>> foreach d ( $SearchPathList )
>> foreach d ( . )
>> if ( ! -e $d ) then
>> if ( ! -e . ) then
>> set IsUnique = 1 ;
>> set IsUnique = 1
>> foreach u ( $UniqueList )
>> foreach u ( )
>> if ( $IsUnique ) set UniqueList = ( $UniqueList $d ) ;
>> if ( 1 ) set UniqueList = ( . )
>> set UniqueList = ( . )
>> end
>> end
>> set SearchPathList = ( $UniqueList ) ;
>> set SearchPathList = ( . )
>> set errs = 0 ;
>> set errs = 0
>> set SessPath = ( ) ;
>> set SessPath = ( )
>> foreach sess ( $SessList )
>> foreach sess ( 091223sbj01m_tp1 )
>> set tmp = ( ) ;
>> set tmp = ( )
>> foreach d ( $SearchPathList )
>> foreach d ( . )
>> set stst = $d/$sess
>> set stst = ./091223sbj01m_tp1
>> if ( -d $stst ) then
>> if ( -d ./091223sbj01m_tp1 ) then
>> if ( ! -r $stst ) then
>> if ( ! -r ./091223sbj01m_tp1 ) then
>> pushd $stst > /dev/null ;
>> pushd ./091223sbj01m_tp1
>> set tmp = ( $tmp `$PWDCMD` ) ;
>> set tmp = ( `$PWDCMD` )
>> pwd
>> popd > /dev/null ;
>> popd
>> endif
>> endif
>> end
>> end
>> set nfound = ( $#tmp ) ;
>> set nfound = ( 1 )
>> if ( $nfound == 0 ) then
>> if ( 1 == 0 ) then
>> if ( $nfound > 1 ) then
>> if ( 1 > 1 ) then
>> set SessPath = ( $SessPath $tmp ) ;
>> set SessPath = ( 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/091223sbj01m_tp1 )
>> end
>> end
>> set UniqueList = ( ) ;
>> set UniqueList = ( )
>> foreach s ( $SessPath )
>> foreach s ( /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/091223sbj01m_tp1 )
>> set IsUnique = 1 ;
>> set IsUnique = 1
>> foreach u ( $UniqueList )
>> foreach u ( )
>> if ( ! $IsUnique && ! $AllowRedundant ) then
>> if ( ! 1 && ! 0 ) then
>> set UniqueList = ( $UniqueList $s ) ;
>> set UniqueList = ( 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/091223sbj01m_tp1 )
>> endif
>> endif
>> end
>> end
>> echo $SessPath
>> echo /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/091223sbj01m_tp1
>> exit $errs ;
>> exit 0
>> set echo = 1 ;
>> breaksw
>> breaksw
>> end
>> end
>> while ( $#argv != 0 )
>> while ( 0 != 0 )
>> goto parse_args_return ;
>> goto parse_args_return
>> goto check_params ;
>> goto check_params
>> if ( $#instem == 0 ) set instem = "f" ;
>> if ( 0 == 0 ) set instem = f
>> set instem = f
>> if ( $#fsd == 0 ) then
>> if ( 1 == 0 ) then
>> if ( $DoMC || $DoReg ) then
>> if ( 0 || 1 ) then
>> if ( $PerRun == 0 && $PerSess == 0 ) then
>> if ( 1 == 0 && 0 == 0 ) then
>> endif
>> endif
>> if ( $DoMC ) then
>> if ( 0 ) then
>> set mcoutstem = $instem ;
>> set mcoutstem = f
>> endif
>> endif
>> if ( $DoSTC ) then
>> if ( 1 ) then
>> if ( $#stcinstem == 0 ) set stcinstem = $mcoutstem
>> if ( 0 == 0 ) set stcinstem = f
>> set stcinstem = f
>> if ( $#stcoutstem == 0 ) then
>> if ( 0 == 0 ) then
>> if ( $#SliceOrder ) set stcoutstem = $stcinstem.$SliceOrder
>> if ( 1 ) set stcoutstem = f.up
>> set stcoutstem = f.up
>> if ( $#SliceDelayFile ) set stcoutstem = $stcinstem.sdf
>> if ( 0 ) set stcoutstem = f.sdf
>> endif
>> endif
>> else
>> else
>> if ( $ToSurf || $ToMNI305 || $ToCVS ) then
>> if ( 1 || 1 || 0 ) then
>> if ( $#fwhm == 0 ) then
>> if ( 1 == 0 ) then
>> set DoVolSmooth = 0 ;
>> set DoVolSmooth = 0
>> set DoSurfSmooth = 0 ;
>> set DoSurfSmooth = 0
>> set DoSmooth = 0 ;
>> set DoSmooth = 0
>> endif
>> endif
>> if ( $DoSmooth ) then
>> if ( 0 ) then
>> if ( $DoInorm && $#inormstem == 0 ) then
>> if ( 0 && 0 == 0 ) then
>> if ( ! $DoMC && ! $DoSTC && ! $DoSmooth && ! $DoMask && ! $DoTemplate ) then
>> if ( ! 0 && ! 1 && ! 0 && ! 1 && ! 1 ) then
>> if ( $#ProjFrac && $DoProjAvg ) then
>> if ( 0 && 0 ) then
>> if ( $UseB0DC && $#ProjFracExpKey ) then
>> if ( 0 && 0 ) then
>> if ( $#regfile == 0 ) then
>> if ( 0 == 0 ) then
>> if ( ! $UseB0DC ) set regfile = register.dof$RegDOF.lta
>> if ( ! 0 ) set regfile = register.dof6.lta
>> set regfile = register.dof6.lta
>> if ( $UseB0DC ) set regfile = register.dof$RegDOF.b0dc.lta
>> if ( 0 ) set regfile = register.dof6.b0dc.lta
>> endif
>> endif
>> if ( $#SliceDelayFile != 0 && $#SliceOrder != 0 ) then
>> if ( 0 != 0 && 1 != 0 ) then
>> goto check_params_return ;
>> goto check_params_return
>> if ( $nolog ) then
>> if ( 0 ) then
>> set logdir = log ;
>> set logdir = log
>> mkdir -p $logdir
>> mkdir -p log
>> if ( ! -e $logdir ) then
>> if ( ! -e log ) then
>> if ( $#SessList > 1 ) then
>> if ( 1 > 1 ) then
>> set sb = `basename $SessList`
>> set sb = `basename $SessList`
>> basename /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/091223sbj01m_tp1
>> set LF = $logdir/preproc-sess.$sb.log
>> set LF = log/preproc-sess.091223sbj01m_tp1.log
>> endif
>> endif
>> if ( -e $LF ) mv $LF $LF.old
>> if ( -e log/preproc-sess.091223sbj01m_tp1.log ) mv 
>> log/preproc-sess.091223sbj01m_tp1.log 
>> log/preproc-sess.091223sbj01m_tp1.log.old
>> mv log/preproc-sess.091223sbj01m_tp1.log 
>> log/preproc-sess.091223sbj01m_tp1.log.old
>> endif
>> endif
>> endif
>> endif
>> echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
>> echo --------------------------------------------------------------
>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>> echo "preproc-sess logfile is $LF"
>> echo preproc-sess logfile is log/preproc-sess.091223sbj01m_tp1.log
>> preproc-sess logfile is log/preproc-sess.091223sbj01m_tp1.log
>> echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
>> echo --------------------------------------------------------------
>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>> echo "preproc-sess log file" >> $LF
>> echo preproc-sess log file
>> echo $VERSION | tee -a $LF
>> echo FreeSurferEnv.csh 7.4.1
>> tee -a log/preproc-sess.091223sbj01m_tp1.log
>> FreeSurferEnv.csh 7.4.1
>> echo "$user" | tee -a $LF
>> echo stefano
>> tee -a log/preproc-sess.091223sbj01m_tp1.log
>> stefano
>> echo "setenv FREESURFER_HOME $FREESURFER_HOME" | tee -a $LF
>> echo setenv FREESURFER_HOME /Applications/freesurfer/7.4.1
>> tee -a log/preproc-sess.091223sbj01m_tp1.log
>> setenv FREESURFER_HOME /Applications/freesurfer/7.4.1
>> echo "setenv SUBJECTS_DIR $SUBJECTS_DIR" | tee -a $LF
>> echo setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/MRI
>> tee -a log/preproc-sess.091223sbj01m_tp1.log
>> setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/MRI
>> uname -a | tee -a $LF
>> uname -a
>> tee -a log/preproc-sess.091223sbj01m_tp1.log
>> Darwin IMACSTEFANO01.local 21.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 21.6.0: Mon Dec 19 
>> 20:44:01 PST 2022; root:xnu-8020.240.18~2/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
>> pwd | tee -a $LF
>> pwd
>> tee -a log/preproc-sess.091223sbj01m_tp1.log
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA
>> echo $0 | tee -a $LF
>> echo /Applications/freesurfer/7.4.1/fsfast/bin/preproc-sess
>> tee -a log/preproc-sess.091223sbj01m_tp1.log
>> /Applications/freesurfer/7.4.1/fsfast/bin/preproc-sess
>> echo $inputargs | tee -a $LF
>> echo -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -surface fsaverage lhrh -fwhm 0 -nomc -mni305 -fsd 
>> rest -per-run -sliceorder up -debug
>> tee -a log/preproc-sess.091223sbj01m_tp1.log
>> -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -surface fsaverage lhrh -fwhm 0 -nomc -mni305 -fsd rest 
>> -per-run -sliceorder up -debug
>> date | tee -a $LF
>> date
>> tee -a log/preproc-sess.091223sbj01m_tp1.log
>> Lun 26 Feb 2024 18:46:29 CET
>> echo "instem   $instem " | tee -a $LF
>> echo instem   f 
>> tee -a log/preproc-sess.091223sbj01m_tp1.log
>> instem   f 
>> echo "mc   $DoMC     $mcinstem $mcoutstem " | tee -a $LF
>> echo mc   0      f 
>> tee -a log/preproc-sess.091223sbj01m_tp1.log
>> mc   0      f 
>> echo "stc  $DoSTC    $stcinstem $stcoutstem" | tee -a $LF
>> echo stc  1    f f.up
>> tee -a log/preproc-sess.091223sbj01m_tp1.log
>> stc  1    f f.up
>> echo "sm   $DoVolSmooth $sminstem $smoutstem " | tee -a $LF
>> echo sm   0   
>> tee -a log/preproc-sess.091223sbj01m_tp1.log
>> sm   0   
>> echo "mask $DoMask   $maskstem" | tee -a $LF
>> echo mask 1   brain
>> tee -a log/preproc-sess.091223sbj01m_tp1.log
>> mask 1   brain
>> set ProjectDir = `pwd` ;
>> set ProjectDir = `pwd`
>> pwd
>> set StartTime = `date` ;
>> set StartTime = `date`
>> date
>> foreach sess ( $SessList )
>> foreach sess ( 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/091223sbj01m_tp1 )
>> set sessid = `basename $sess` ;
>> set sessid = `basename $sess`
>> basename /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/091223sbj01m_tp1
>> set sessparent = `dirname $sess` ;
>> set sessparent = `dirname $sess`
>> dirname /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/091223sbj01m_tp1
>> if ( -w . && $nolog != 1 ) then
>> if ( -w . && 0 != 1 ) then
>> mkdir -p log
>> mkdir -p log
>> set LF = $ProjectDir/log/preproc-$sessid-$fsd.log
>> set LF = 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/log/preproc-091223sbj01m_tp1-rest.log
>> rm -f $LF
>> rm -f 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/log/preproc-091223sbj01m_tp1-rest.log
>> else
>> else
>> echo "preproc-sess" >> $LF
>> echo preproc-sess
>> echo $sessid >> $LF
>> echo 091223sbj01m_tp1
>> echo $VERSION >> $LF
>> echo FreeSurferEnv.csh 7.4.1
>> uname -a >> $LF
>> uname -a
>> date >> $LF
>> date
>> pwd >> $LF
>> pwd
>> echo $inputargs >> $LF
>> echo -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -surface fsaverage lhrh -fwhm 0 -nomc -mni305 -fsd 
>> rest -per-run -sliceorder up -debug
>> echo "ProjectDir $ProjectDir" >> $LF
>> echo ProjectDir /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA
>> if ( $DoTemplate ) then
>> if ( 1 ) then
>> set cmd = ( mktemplate-sess -s $sessid -d $sessparent -fsd $fsd -funcstem 
>> $instem )
>> set cmd = ( mktemplate-sess -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -funcstem f )
>> if ( $#RunListFile ) set cmd = ( $cmd -rlf $RunListFile ) ;
>> if ( 0 ) set cmd = ( mktemplate-sess -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -funcstem f -rlf )
>> if ( $nolog ) set cmd = ( $cmd -nolog ) ;
>> if ( 0 ) set cmd = ( mktemplate-sess -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -funcstem f -nolog )
>> if ( $UpdateOnly ) set cmd = ( $cmd -update ) ;
>> if ( 1 ) set cmd = ( mktemplate-sess -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -funcstem f -update 
>> )
>> set cmd = ( mktemplate-sess -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -funcstem f -update 
>> )
>> echo "$sessid Template -----------------------------" | & tee -a $LF
>> echo 091223sbj01m_tp1 Template -----------------------------
>> tee -a 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/log/preproc-091223sbj01m_tp1-rest.log
>> 091223sbj01m_tp1 Template -----------------------------
>> echo $cmd | & tee -a $LF
>> echo mktemplate-sess -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -funcstem f -update
>> tee -a 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/log/preproc-091223sbj01m_tp1-rest.log
>> mktemplate-sess -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -funcstem f -update
>> $cmd | & tee -a $LF
>> mktemplate-sess -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -funcstem f -update
>> tee -a 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/log/preproc-091223sbj01m_tp1-rest.log
>> Session: /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/091223sbj01m_tp1 
>> ----------------
>> Lun 26 Feb 2024 18:46:29 CET
>> Detected input format at nii.gz
>> 091223sbj01m_tp1 Update not needed
>>   Run: 001 ----------------
>>   Lun 26 Feb 2024 18:46:30 CET
>>   091223sbj01m_tp1 001 Update not needed
>>   Run: 002 ----------------
>>   Lun 26 Feb 2024 18:46:30 CET
>>   091223sbj01m_tp1 002 Update not needed
>>   Run: 003 ----------------
>>   Lun 26 Feb 2024 18:46:30 CET
>>   091223sbj01m_tp1 003 Update not needed
>> Lun 26 Feb 2024 18:46:30 CET
>> mktemplate-sess completed 
>> if ( $status ) exit 1 ;
>> if ( 0 ) exit 1
>> endif
>> endif
>> if ( $DoReg ) then
>> if ( 1 ) then
>> set cmd = ( register-sess -s $sessid -d $sessparent -fsd $fsd -delete-dat )
>> set cmd = ( register-sess -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -delete-dat )
>> set cmd = ( $cmd -dof $RegDOF -$contrast )
>> set cmd = ( register-sess -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -delete-dat -dof 6 
>> -bold )
>> if ( $#RunListFile ) set cmd = ( $cmd -rlf $RunListFile ) ;
>> if ( 0 ) set cmd = ( register-sess -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -delete-dat -dof 6 
>> -bold -rlf )
>> if ( $PerRun ) set cmd = ( $cmd -per-run )
>> if ( 1 ) set cmd = ( register-sess -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -delete-dat -dof 6 
>> -bold -per-run )
>> set cmd = ( register-sess -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -delete-dat -dof 6 
>> -bold -per-run )
>> if ( $PerSess ) set cmd = ( $cmd -per-session )
>> if ( 0 ) set cmd = ( register-sess -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -delete-dat -dof 6 
>> -bold -per-run -per-session )
>> if ( $nolog ) set cmd = ( $cmd -nolog ) ;
>> if ( 0 ) set cmd = ( register-sess -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -delete-dat -dof 6 
>> -bold -per-run -nolog )
>> if ( $UpdateOnly ) set cmd = ( $cmd -update ) ;
>> if ( 1 ) set cmd = ( register-sess -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -delete-dat -dof 6 
>> -bold -per-run -update )
>> set cmd = ( register-sess -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -delete-dat -dof 6 
>> -bold -per-run -update )
>> if ( $UseB0DC ) set cmd = ( $cmd -b0dc )
>> if ( 0 ) set cmd = ( register-sess -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -delete-dat -dof 6 
>> -bold -per-run -update -b0dc )
>> if ( $InitCoReg ) set cmd = ( $cmd -init-coreg )
>> if ( 1 ) set cmd = ( register-sess -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -delete-dat -dof 6 
>> -bold -per-run -update -init-coreg )
>> set cmd = ( register-sess -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -delete-dat -dof 6 
>> -bold -per-run -update -init-coreg )
>> if ( $InitFSL ) set cmd = ( $cmd -init-fsl )
>> if ( 0 ) set cmd = ( register-sess -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -delete-dat -dof 6 
>> -bold -per-run -update -init-coreg -init-fsl )
>> if ( $InitSPM ) set cmd = ( $cmd -init-spm )
>> if ( 0 ) set cmd = ( register-sess -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -delete-dat -dof 6 
>> -bold -per-run -update -init-coreg -init-spm )
>> if ( $InitHeader ) set cmd = ( $cmd -init-header )
>> if ( 0 ) set cmd = ( register-sess -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -delete-dat -dof 6 
>> -bold -per-run -update -init-coreg -init-header )
>> if ( $#IntermediateFSD ) set cmd = ( $cmd -bbr-int $IntermediateFSD 
>> $IntermediateStem )
>> if ( 0 ) set cmd = ( register-sess -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -delete-dat -dof 6 
>> -bold -per-run -update -init-coreg -bbr-int )
>> if ( $#BBRXopts ) set cmd = ( $cmd -bbr-xopts $BBRXopts )
>> if ( 0 ) set cmd = ( register-sess -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -delete-dat -dof 6 
>> -bold -per-run -update -init-coreg -bbr-xopts )
>> echo "$sessid Registration -----------------------------" | & tee -a $LF
>> echo 091223sbj01m_tp1 Registration -----------------------------
>> tee -a 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/log/preproc-091223sbj01m_tp1-rest.log
>> 091223sbj01m_tp1 Registration -----------------------------
>> echo $cmd | & tee -a $LF
>> echo register-sess -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -delete-dat -dof 6 
>> -bold -per-run -update -init-coreg
>> tee -a 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/log/preproc-091223sbj01m_tp1-rest.log
>> register-sess -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -delete-dat -dof 6 
>> -bold -per-run -update -init-coreg
>> $cmd | & tee -a $LF
>> register-sess -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -delete-dat -dof 6 
>> -bold -per-run -update -init-coreg
>> tee -a 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/log/preproc-091223sbj01m_tp1-rest.log
>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>> register-sess logfile is 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/log/register-sess.091223sbj01m_tp1.log
>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>> Lun 26 Feb 2024 18:46:30 CET
>> setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/MRI
>> cd /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA
>> /Applications/freesurfer/7.4.1/fsfast/bin/register-sess -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 
>> -d /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -delete-dat -dof 
>> 6 -bold -per-run -update -init-coreg
>> freesurfer-macOS-darwin_x86_64-7.4.1-20230614-7eb8460
>> Darwin IMACSTEFANO01.local 21.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 21.6.0: Mon Dec 19 
>> 20:44:01 PST 2022; root:xnu-8020.240.18~2/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
>> Session: /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/091223sbj01m_tp1 
>> ----------------
>> Lun 26 Feb 2024 18:46:30 CET
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/091223sbj01m_tp1
>>   Run: 001 ----------------
>> Lun 26 Feb 2024 18:46:30 CET
>> Update not needed
>>   Run: 002 ----------------
>> Lun 26 Feb 2024 18:46:30 CET
>> Update not needed
>>   Run: 003 ----------------
>> Lun 26 Feb 2024 18:46:30 CET
>> Update not needed
>> Lun 26 Feb 2024 18:46:30 CET
>> register-sess completed 
>> if ( $status ) exit 1 ;
>> if ( 0 ) exit 1
>> endif
>> endif
>> if ( $DoMask ) then
>> if ( 1 ) then
>> set cmd = ( mkbrainmask-sess -maskstem $maskstem )
>> set cmd = ( mkbrainmask-sess -maskstem brain )
>> set cmd = ( $cmd -fsd $fsd )
>> set cmd = ( mkbrainmask-sess -maskstem brain -fsd rest )
>> set cmd = ( $cmd -s $sessid -d $sessparent )
>> set cmd = ( mkbrainmask-sess -maskstem brain -fsd rest -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 
>> -d /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA )
>> if ( $PerRun ) set cmd = ( $cmd -per-run )
>> if ( 1 ) set cmd = ( mkbrainmask-sess -maskstem brain -fsd rest -s 
>> 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -per-run )
>> set cmd = ( mkbrainmask-sess -maskstem brain -fsd rest -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 
>> -d /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -per-run )
>> if ( $PerSess ) set cmd = ( $cmd -per-session )
>> if ( 0 ) set cmd = ( mkbrainmask-sess -maskstem brain -fsd rest -s 
>> 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -per-run 
>> -per-session )
>> if ( $#RunListFile ) set cmd = ( $cmd -rlf $RunListFile ) ;
>> if ( 0 ) set cmd = ( mkbrainmask-sess -maskstem brain -fsd rest -s 
>> 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -per-run 
>> -rlf )
>> if ( $nolog ) set cmd = ( $cmd -nolog ) ;
>> if ( 0 ) set cmd = ( mkbrainmask-sess -maskstem brain -fsd rest -s 
>> 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -per-run 
>> -nolog )
>> if ( $UpdateOnly ) set cmd = ( $cmd -update ) ;
>> if ( 1 ) set cmd = ( mkbrainmask-sess -maskstem brain -fsd rest -s 
>> 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -per-run 
>> -update )
>> set cmd = ( mkbrainmask-sess -maskstem brain -fsd rest -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 
>> -d /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -per-run -update )
>> if ( $UseB0DC ) set cmd = ( $cmd -b0dc )
>> if ( 0 ) set cmd = ( mkbrainmask-sess -maskstem brain -fsd rest -s 
>> 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -per-run 
>> -update -b0dc )
>> if ( $RegDOF != 6 ) set cmd = ( $cmd -dof $RegDOF )
>> if ( 6 != 6 ) set cmd = ( mkbrainmask-sess -maskstem brain -fsd rest -s 
>> 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -per-run 
>> -update -dof 6 )
>> echo "$sessid Mask ------------------------" | & tee -a $LF
>> echo 091223sbj01m_tp1 Mask ------------------------
>> tee -a 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/log/preproc-091223sbj01m_tp1-rest.log
>> 091223sbj01m_tp1 Mask ------------------------
>> echo $cmd | & tee -a $LF
>> echo mkbrainmask-sess -maskstem brain -fsd rest -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -per-run -update
>> tee -a 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/log/preproc-091223sbj01m_tp1-rest.log
>> mkbrainmask-sess -maskstem brain -fsd rest -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -per-run -update
>> $cmd | & tee -a $LF
>> mkbrainmask-sess -maskstem brain -fsd rest -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -per-run -update
>> tee -a 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/log/preproc-091223sbj01m_tp1-rest.log
>> ------------------------------------------------
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/091223sbj01m_tp1 
>> Lun 26 Feb 2024 18:46:30 CET
>> 091223sbj01m_tp1 Update not needed for session-level mask
>> 091223sbj01m_tp1 Update not needed for run 001 mask
>> 091223sbj01m_tp1 Update not needed for run 002 mask
>> 091223sbj01m_tp1 Update not needed for run 003 mask
>> 091223sbj01m_tp1 Update not needed for run 001 meanval
>> 091223sbj01m_tp1 Update not needed for run 002 meanval
>> 091223sbj01m_tp1 Update not needed for run 003 meanval
>> Lun 26 Feb 2024 18:46:31 CET
>> mkbrainmask-sess done
>> if ( $status ) exit 1 ;
>> if ( 0 ) exit 1
>> endif
>> endif
>> if ( $DoMC ) then
>> if ( 0 ) then
>> if ( $DoSTC ) then
>> if ( 1 ) then
>> set cmd = ( stc-sess -i $stcinstem -o $stcoutstem -ngroups $nSliceGroups )
>> set cmd = ( stc-sess -i f -o f.up -ngroups 1 )
>> if ( $#SliceOrder ) set cmd = ( $cmd -so $SliceOrder )
>> if ( 1 ) set cmd = ( stc-sess -i f -o f.up -ngroups 1 -so up )
>> set cmd = ( stc-sess -i f -o f.up -ngroups 1 -so up )
>> if ( $#SliceDelayFile ) set cmd = ( $cmd -sdf $SliceDelayFile )
>> if ( 0 ) set cmd = ( stc-sess -i f -o f.up -ngroups 1 -so up -sdf )
>> set cmd = ( $cmd -s $sessid -d $sessparent -fsd $fsd )
>> set cmd = ( stc-sess -i f -o f.up -ngroups 1 -so up -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest )
>> if ( $#RunListFile != 0 ) set cmd = ( $cmd -rlf $RunListFile ) ;
>> if ( 0 != 0 ) set cmd = ( stc-sess -i f -o f.up -ngroups 1 -so up -s 
>> 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest 
>> -rlf )
>> if ( $nolog ) set cmd = ( $cmd -nolog ) ;
>> if ( 0 ) set cmd = ( stc-sess -i f -o f.up -ngroups 1 -so up -s 
>> 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest 
>> -nolog )
>> if ( $UpdateOnly ) set cmd = ( $cmd -update ) ;
>> if ( 1 ) set cmd = ( stc-sess -i f -o f.up -ngroups 1 -so up -s 
>> 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest 
>> -update )
>> set cmd = ( stc-sess -i f -o f.up -ngroups 1 -so up -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -update )
>> echo "$sessid STC -----------------------------" | & tee -a $LF
>> echo 091223sbj01m_tp1 STC -----------------------------
>> tee -a 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/log/preproc-091223sbj01m_tp1-rest.log
>> 091223sbj01m_tp1 STC -----------------------------
>> echo $cmd | & tee -a $LF
>> echo stc-sess -i f -o f.up -ngroups 1 -so up -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -update
>> tee -a 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/log/preproc-091223sbj01m_tp1-rest.log
>> stc-sess -i f -o f.up -ngroups 1 -so up -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -update
>> $cmd | & tee -a $LF
>> stc-sess -i f -o f.up -ngroups 1 -so up -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -update
>> tee -a 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/log/preproc-091223sbj01m_tp1-rest.log
>> Lun 26 Feb 2024 18:46:31 CET
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA
>> /Applications/freesurfer/7.4.1/fsfast/bin/stc-sess
>> -i f -o f.up -ngroups 1 -so up -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -update
>> FreeSurferEnv.csh 7.4.1
>> IMACSTEFANO01.local
>> 091223sbj01m_tp1 -----------------
>> Lun 26 Feb 2024 18:46:31 CET
>> -rw-r--r--  1 stefano  staff  19539533  8 Feb 09:29 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/091223sbj01m_tp1/rest/001/f.up.nii.gz
>> -rwx------  1 stefano  staff  19504393  7 Feb 08:32 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/091223sbj01m_tp1/rest/001/f.nii.gz
>> Update not needed
>> -rw-r--r--  1 stefano  staff  19734829  8 Feb 09:29 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/091223sbj01m_tp1/rest/002/f.up.nii.gz
>> -rwx------  1 stefano  staff  19701816  7 Feb 08:32 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/091223sbj01m_tp1/rest/002/f.nii.gz
>> Update not needed
>> -rw-r--r--  1 stefano  staff  20008834  8 Feb 09:29 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/091223sbj01m_tp1/rest/003/f.up.nii.gz
>> -rwx------  1 stefano  staff  19975502  7 Feb 08:32 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/091223sbj01m_tp1/rest/003/f.nii.gz
>> Update not needed
>> Started at Lun 26 Feb 2024 18:46:31 CET
>> Ended   at Lun 26 Feb 2024 18:46:31 CET
>> stc-sess Done
>> if ( $status ) exit 1 ;
>> if ( 0 ) exit 1
>> endif
>> endif
>> if ( $ToSurf ) then
>> if ( 1 ) then
>> set cmd = ( rawfunc2surf-sess -fwhm $fwhm )
>> set cmd = ( rawfunc2surf-sess -fwhm 0 )
>> set cmd = ( $cmd -s $sessid -d $sessparent -fsd $fsd )
>> set cmd = ( rawfunc2surf-sess -fwhm 0 -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest )
>> if ( "$hemi" == lh || "$hemi" == rh ) set cmd = ( $cmd -hemi $hemi )
>> if ( lhrh == lh || lhrh == rh ) set cmd = ( rawfunc2surf-sess -fwhm 0 -s 
>> 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest 
>> -hemi lhrh )
>> if ( $subject == self ) set cmd = ( $cmd -self )
>> if ( fsaverage == self ) set cmd = ( rawfunc2surf-sess -fwhm 0 -s 
>> 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest 
>> -self )
>> if ( $subject != self ) set cmd = ( $cmd -trgsubject $subject )
>> if ( fsaverage != self ) set cmd = ( rawfunc2surf-sess -fwhm 0 -s 
>> 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest 
>> -trgsubject fsaverage )
>> set cmd = ( rawfunc2surf-sess -fwhm 0 -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -trgsubject 
>> fsaverage )
>> if ( $#RunListFile != 0 ) set cmd = ( $cmd -rlf $RunListFile ) ;
>> if ( 0 != 0 ) set cmd = ( rawfunc2surf-sess -fwhm 0 -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -trgsubject 
>> fsaverage -rlf )
>> if ( $#SliceOrder ) set cmd = ( $cmd -stc $SliceOrder )
>> if ( 1 ) set cmd = ( rawfunc2surf-sess -fwhm 0 -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -trgsubject 
>> fsaverage -stc up )
>> set cmd = ( rawfunc2surf-sess -fwhm 0 -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -trgsubject 
>> fsaverage -stc up )
>> if ( $#SliceDelayFile ) set cmd = ( $cmd -sdf $SliceDelayFile )
>> if ( 0 ) set cmd = ( rawfunc2surf-sess -fwhm 0 -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -trgsubject 
>> fsaverage -stc up -sdf )
>> if ( $nolog ) set cmd = ( $cmd -nolog ) ;
>> if ( 0 ) set cmd = ( rawfunc2surf-sess -fwhm 0 -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -trgsubject 
>> fsaverage -stc up -nolog )
>> if ( $UpdateOnly ) set cmd = ( $cmd -update ) ;
>> if ( 1 ) set cmd = ( rawfunc2surf-sess -fwhm 0 -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -trgsubject 
>> fsaverage -stc up -update )
>> set cmd = ( rawfunc2surf-sess -fwhm 0 -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -trgsubject 
>> fsaverage -stc up -update )
>> if ( $UseB0DC ) set cmd = ( $cmd -b0dc )
>> if ( 0 ) set cmd = ( rawfunc2surf-sess -fwhm 0 -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -trgsubject 
>> fsaverage -stc up -update -b0dc )
>> if ( $RegDOF != 6 ) set cmd = ( $cmd -dof $RegDOF )
>> if ( 6 != 6 ) set cmd = ( rawfunc2surf-sess -fwhm 0 -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -trgsubject 
>> fsaverage -stc up -update -dof 6 )
>> if ( $PerRun ) set cmd = ( $cmd -per-run )
>> if ( 1 ) set cmd = ( rawfunc2surf-sess -fwhm 0 -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -trgsubject 
>> fsaverage -stc up -update -per-run )
>> set cmd = ( rawfunc2surf-sess -fwhm 0 -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -trgsubject 
>> fsaverage -stc up -update -per-run )
>> if ( $PerSess ) set cmd = ( $cmd -per-session )
>> if ( 0 ) set cmd = ( rawfunc2surf-sess -fwhm 0 -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -trgsubject 
>> fsaverage -stc up -update -per-run -per-session )
>> if ( $#ProjFrac ) set cmd = ( $cmd -projfrac $ProjFrac -expkey 
>> $ProjFracExpKey )
>> if ( 0 ) set cmd = ( rawfunc2surf-sess -fwhm 0 -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -trgsubject 
>> fsaverage -stc up -update -per-run -projfrac -expkey )
>> if ( $#volsurffwhm ) set cmd = ( $cmd -volsurffwhm $volsurffwhm )
>> if ( 0 ) set cmd = ( rawfunc2surf-sess -fwhm 0 -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -trgsubject 
>> fsaverage -stc up -update -per-run -volsurffwhm )
>> if ( ! $UseCortexLabel ) set cmd = ( $cmd -no-cortex-label )
>> if ( ! 1 ) set cmd = ( rawfunc2surf-sess -fwhm 0 -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -trgsubject 
>> fsaverage -stc up -update -per-run -no-cortex-label )
>> echo "$sessid To Surface -----------------------------" | & tee -a $LF
>> echo 091223sbj01m_tp1 To Surface -----------------------------
>> tee -a 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/log/preproc-091223sbj01m_tp1-rest.log
>> 091223sbj01m_tp1 To Surface -----------------------------
>> echo $cmd | & tee -a $LF
>> echo rawfunc2surf-sess -fwhm 0 -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -trgsubject 
>> fsaverage -stc up -update -per-run
>> tee -a 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/log/preproc-091223sbj01m_tp1-rest.log
>> rawfunc2surf-sess -fwhm 0 -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -trgsubject 
>> fsaverage -stc up -update -per-run
>> $cmd | & tee -a $LF
>> rawfunc2surf-sess -fwhm 0 -s 091223sbj01m_tp1 -d 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA -fsd rest -trgsubject 
>> fsaverage -stc up -update -per-run
>> tee -a 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/log/preproc-091223sbj01m_tp1-rest.log
>> instem fmcpr.up
>> outstem fmcpr.up.sm0.fsaverage.hemi
>> ------------------------------ 
>> 1/1 091223sbj01m_tp1
>>   1/1 091223sbj01m_tp1 001 lh ---------
>>     Lun 26 Feb 2024 18:46:32 CET
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/091223sbj01m_tp1/rest/001/masks/brain.fsaverage.lh.pr.nii.gz
>>  does not need updating
>>   1/1 091223sbj01m_tp1 002 lh ---------
>>     Lun 26 Feb 2024 18:46:32 CET
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/091223sbj01m_tp1/rest/002/masks/brain.fsaverage.lh.pr.nii.gz
>>  does not need updating
>>   1/1 091223sbj01m_tp1 003 lh ---------
>>     Lun 26 Feb 2024 18:46:32 CET
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/091223sbj01m_tp1/rest/003/masks/brain.fsaverage.lh.pr.nii.gz
>>  does not need updating
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/091223sbj01m_tp1/rest/masks/brain.fsaverage.lh.pr.nii.gz
>>  does not need updating
>>   1/1 091223sbj01m_tp1 001 rh ---------
>>     Lun 26 Feb 2024 18:46:32 CET
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/091223sbj01m_tp1/rest/001/masks/brain.fsaverage.rh.pr.nii.gz
>>  does not need updating
>>   1/1 091223sbj01m_tp1 002 rh ---------
>>     Lun 26 Feb 2024 18:46:32 CET
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/091223sbj01m_tp1/rest/002/masks/brain.fsaverage.rh.pr.nii.gz
>>  does not need updating
>>   1/1 091223sbj01m_tp1 003 rh ---------
>>     Lun 26 Feb 2024 18:46:32 CET
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/091223sbj01m_tp1/rest/003/masks/brain.fsaverage.rh.pr.nii.gz
>>  does not need updating
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/091223sbj01m_tp1/rest/masks/brain.fsaverage.rh.pr.nii.gz
>>  does not need updating
>>   1/1 091223sbj01m_tp1 001 lh ---------
>>     Lun 26 Feb 2024 18:46:32 CET
>> ERROR: could not determine file for 
>> /Users/stefano/Desktop/MODAFINIL/rs-fMRI_AROMA/091223sbj01m_tp1/rest/001/fmcpr.up
>> if ( $status ) exit 1 ;
>> if ( 1 ) exit 1
>> exit 1
>>> Il giorno 23 feb 2024, alle ore 18:32, Stefano Delli Pizzi 
>>> <sdellipi...@gmail.com <mailto:sdellipi...@gmail.com>> ha scritto:
>>> Thank you!
>>>  I have already sent it to you (probabile to Yujing) some days ago. Were 
>>> they not okay?
>>> Could it be because I'm running data on MacOS? 
>>> If you do preprocessing with -nomc, does it work on your dataset? I've 
>>> tried it with three different databases.
>>> Regards
>>> Stefano 
>>>> Il giorno 23 feb 2024, alle ore 17:32, Douglas N. Greve 
>>>> <dgr...@mgh.harvard.edu <mailto:dgr...@mgh.harvard.edu>> ha scritto:
>>>> I cannot reproduce this locally. If you still want help, attach logs. You 
>>>> can also try running it with -debug as the first option and capture the 
>>>> copious terminal output.
>>>> On 2/6/2024 8:39 AM, Huang, Yujing wrote:
>>>>> Not sure where this happened. Does it produce any log files that you can 
>>>>> share? Maybe both logs with and without the -nomc option.
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Yujing
>>>>> From: freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu 
>>>>> <mailto:freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> 
>>>>> <freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> 
>>>>> <mailto:freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>On Behalf Of Stefano Delli 
>>>>> Pizzi
>>>>> Sent: Saturday, February 3, 2024 2:33 PM
>>>>> To: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu <mailto:freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>>>>> Subject: [Freesurfer] if: Expression Syntax - preproc-sess
>>>>>         External Email - Use Caution        
>>>>> Hello FreeSurfer Developers,
>>>>> I'm attempting to run preproc-sess with -nomc option
>>>>> preproc-sess -s subj -surface fsaverage lhrh -fwhm 0 -nomc -mni305 -fsd 
>>>>> rest 
>>>>> -per-run -sliceorder up -force
>>>>> if: Expression Syntax.
>>>>> This error occurred before to create the file with slice timing correction
>>>>> The error did not occur when I run the preproc-sess command line without 
>>>>> the 
>>>>> -nomc option.
>>>>> I've searched the list and no similar errors have been reported. Does 
>>>>> anyone 
>>>>> have any thoughts on how to trouble-shoot this one?
>>>>> FreeSurfer version: freesurfer-macOS-darwin_x86_64-7.4.1-20230614-7eb8460
>>>>> Platform: Darwin Kernel Version 21.6.0
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> Freesurfer mailing list
>>>>> Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu <mailto:Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>>>>> MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from 
>>>>> "secure-web.cisco.com" claiming to be 
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>>>> Freesurfer mailing list
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>>>>  .
>> _______________________________________________
>> Freesurfer mailing list
>> Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu <mailto:Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
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> <rawfunc2surf-sess.txt><rawfunc2tal-sess.txt><preproc-sess.txt>_______________________________________________
> Freesurfer mailing list
> Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> https://secure-web.cisco.com/1VUSnXA-R8aMmePagKn7c5OTQLfckoVClegdJjwKCmfUWGs2PmA7bmD07BZN49m2NDPf6uY_ttaXKYvrRHqbtionPdA1hD4bPFRe8ncLlsGCIoKwpm0jKVmYXF0cxFDJregFcnAhbzjh0IIL2edgTk8-mrIrvpxwk59eF3EtsL63yrPSf1a5jds73CL5khujr1C1u6D9ZuDkiTdTEzzjXCyO-HRsPN5Qo_b4FOlImreAWWNLedmPC6yF7xR8YrwsCvsF1AXT8BkNxAS3loGM4aiQclLZTBluWIgsdcX1vU2J9pdPu04w5MGInUBJVyU0DIxpYhJWRSCv9ISY6kJCDNg/https%3A%2F%2Fmail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu%2Fmailman%2Flistinfo%2Ffreesurfer
> The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it is 
> addressed.  If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the 
> e-mail contains patient information, please contact the Mass General Brigham 
> Compliance HelpLine at 
> https://secure-web.cisco.com/1AbSpKWS3Wqx7Evqkn45FQpmKLYzlJqjsawI-wNV89JRP3bYSoS9Pa46VtfqA11hbJ1fUXWyzev8Pq8r97MLe5y98_0BqkHUWsZez4ceth52YGxgy5b0zXgd6K1dvJJpgtq8tFdIN0bmRRYlqjQDU332e5bYwczTUiua28cmrAKBpxCBqa53zZnFq4mmLaLuN6wDUCXHTDdXIytDNq4qUnQ41q1OE5ifiF6YExWBGshcb-qhRyGPcvWwxeyKSLjUK4NknuIKToXDZ1zAcLxzi4Cl61mFwbW-ZZt9eZMo9Z334xOhDpAPhaI2zKzTtQ6c4_LrLUyQc2Ob-g9aLRFWJLw/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.massgeneralbrigham.org%2Fcomplianceline
> <https://secure-web.cisco.com/1AbSpKWS3Wqx7Evqkn45FQpmKLYzlJqjsawI-wNV89JRP3bYSoS9Pa46VtfqA11hbJ1fUXWyzev8Pq8r97MLe5y98_0BqkHUWsZez4ceth52YGxgy5b0zXgd6K1dvJJpgtq8tFdIN0bmRRYlqjQDU332e5bYwczTUiua28cmrAKBpxCBqa53zZnFq4mmLaLuN6wDUCXHTDdXIytDNq4qUnQ41q1OE5ifiF6YExWBGshcb-qhRyGPcvWwxeyKSLjUK4NknuIKToXDZ1zAcLxzi4Cl61mFwbW-ZZt9eZMo9Z334xOhDpAPhaI2zKzTtQ6c4_LrLUyQc2Ob-g9aLRFWJLw/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.massgeneralbrigham.org%2Fcomplianceline>
>  .

Freesurfer mailing list
The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it is 
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contains patient information, please contact the Mass General Brigham 
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<https://www.massgeneralbrigham.org/complianceline> .
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