Hi Guys,


I've been working at setting up a couple of FreeSwitch nodes as a topology
hiding SBCs that handles both ingress traffic from my

providers/peers and pass traffic up to an openser router that then routes
call across the cluster of SBCs through which they reach the destination.


I have OpenSIPS/SER setup doing DB route lookups and ENUM with LCR/Serial
forking etc.


My question is what would be the best way to send a call out to a
destination choosen by the OpenSER router?


For example:

SIP Provider -- >  SBC --- > OpenSER ---- ( route lookup returns as dest )  -- > SBC  --- >


I was thinking something along the lines of adding a "X-Route-To:
+1nxxnxxx...@" with openser

and then something like this in the SBC.


  <context name="from-sipcore">

    <extension name="outboundroute">

        <action application="bridge"
data="sofia/external/${sip_h_X-Route-To}" />




Is this a wise approach, is there anything I could do to do this better?

I'd like to keep the logic in the SBCs as simple as possible.


I am pretty familiar with SIP but my knowledge fades when it gets into the
nitty gritty of routing. ie the Contact: and Via: headers

and all that good stuff.


I should also state I have two profiles defined one for the internal/private
"core" network and one for the outside "external" network.


Any thoughts on this at all would be greatly appreciated.

Am I missing something in the SIP spec that would allow for this is a
standardized way?




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