Hi Adam,

I'm in the process of using FS as a SBC. For the route lookup, I do it 
using OpenSER carrierroute, without having to flow through 
SBC---Openser---SBC. I'm using carrierroute at this time cause I need 
more than 200 000 routing entries and carrierroute has been tested with 
twice this number.

Here is the setup:

- install openser and carrierroute and make openser listening on (for example) on your SBC
- populate carrierroute table

What I do to use carrierroute module from FS is to use a specific 
X-header (X-LOOKUP).

In the dialplan, in the default context, I have something like this:
<extension name="LOOKUP_ROUTE">
<condition field="destination_number" expression="(\d+)$">
<action application="set" data="hangup_after_bridge=true"/>
<action application="set" data="continue_on_fail=true"/>
<action application="export" data="sip_h_X-ROUTE=LOOKUP"/>
<action application="bridge" 
<action application="export" 
<action application="transfer" data="${destination_number} XML ROUTING"/>

The process is simple:
the export "sip_h_X-ROUTE=LOOKUP" had a sip header X-ROUTE=LOOKUP
then I bridge the call to (openser process)

In openser I have a route block that checks the presence of header 
LOOKUP and openser sends a "604: unable to route call" if the prefix is 
not found, or a "302: with the IP of the gateway found"

In FS, you can get the IP using the variable 
"${sip_redirect_contact_host_0}". Then I transfer this to the context 
ROUTING, where the check condition is based on the LOOKUP header that 
has been rewritten with this variable.

I will document all this setup (installation of openser/carrierroute and 
config file of FS and openser) on a wiki page I start writing yesterday, 
so please be indulgent and patient.
The next step is to test the scalability of this.

I'm a very bad programmer, so that's the only way for me to contribute 
to FS, and as I see many people interested for an SBC setup, I think it 
could be great if we share our work/knowlegde.

The wiki page is there:


Adam Long wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I’ve been working at setting up a couple of FreeSwitch nodes as a 
> topology hiding SBCs that handles both ingress traffic from my
> providers/peers and pass traffic up to an openser router that then 
> routes call across the cluster of SBCs through which they reach the 
> destination.
> I have OpenSIPS/SER setup doing DB route lookups and ENUM with 
> LCR/Serial forking etc.
> My question is what would be the best way to send a call out to a 
> destination choosen by the OpenSER router?
> For example:
> SIP Provider -- > SBC --- > OpenSER ---- ( route lookup returns 
> as dest ) -- > SBC --- >
> I was thinking something along the lines of adding a “X-Route-To: 
> +1NXXNXXXXXX@ <mailto:+1NXXNXXXXXX@>” with openser
> and then something like this in the SBC…
> <context name="from-sipcore">
> <extension name="outboundroute">
> <action application="bridge" data="sofia/external/${sip_h_X-Route-To}" />
> </extension>
> </context>
> Is this a wise approach, is there anything I could do to do this better?
> I’d like to keep the logic in the SBCs as simple as possible.
> I am pretty familiar with SIP but my knowledge fades when it gets into 
> the nitty gritty of routing… ie the Contact: and Via: headers
> and all that good stuff.
> I should also state I have two profiles defined one for the 
> internal/private “core” network and one for the outside “external” 
> network.
> Any thoughts on this at all would be greatly appreciated.
> Am I missing something in the SIP spec that would allow for this is a 
> standardized way?
> Regards,
> -Adam
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