On Mar 25, 2009, at 2:03 AM, Michael Collins wrote:

>> While FS official site has plenty of documentation, obviously we  
>> don't
>> want to translate word by word.  Then where should we start from? A
>> forum?
> I would start by finding as many people as possible who are literate
> in both English and Chinese and who are willing to help out. Once you
> have your group assembled you will have a better idea of what your
> goals should be. More people helping will make things easier to
> accomplish.

Ppl not only literate in both English and Chinse, but also need to has  
good knowledge of VoIP and FreeSWITCH.

> There was a big argue between a forum and mailing list in the
>> last few weeks, and finally an English forum and an Italian one is
>> out.  While I can find server in China, the major pain is that  
>> running
>> any kind of BBS in China mainland need to get some kind of  
>> permissions
>> by the government first.
>> Any idea, suggestion? Anyone want to help or cooperate about this?
> I am looking into creating a multi-language wiki at
> wiki.freeswitch.org. Anyone with experience in setting up multiple
> languages with MediaWiki software please contact me. So far we have
> people willing to help create documentation in French, Spanish,
> Portugese, Russian, and now Chinese. I think we have some Italians out
> there as well! (ciao bella)
> Please email me off list if you are in a position to assist with the
> wiki and languages other than English.

How's the plan of a multi-language wiki?  I think mediaWiKi do support  
multi-language. So, maybe we can start from wiki.freeswitch.org/zh_CN/  
or some structure else. While it is possible to follow the change log  
of the EN wiki to change Chinese version accordingly, it would be    
challenge to make sure the consistency. And regardlessly what if  
Chinese version change first?

I'd like to help with this. But I cannot translate all hundreds of  
pages and make it consistency by my self. But I'm pretty sure that we  
would get a group of ppl to do this. So the start maybe either  
translate some key pages and make the consistency, or translate as  
much pages ...

Email me off list on how to start this. :)

>> And, if I can get this runing, can I use the FreeSWITCH logo and 
>> www.freeswitch.org.cn
>>  ?
> Please direct questions about the FreeSWITCH logo and domain names to
> consult...@freeswitch.org. FreeSWITCH and the logo are trademarks so
> it would be best to get permission from Anthony before doing anything.
> -MC
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