Brian West pisze:
> On Apr 2, 2009, at 4:13 AM, Szymon Olko wrote:
>> I did not think yet about HA nor LB.
>> I tested how FS handles high load. All my calls are placed in
>> mod_conference. When cpu usage gets it's limits then new calls can
>> be placed but sound quality is getting worst with every next call.
>> When calls are hanged up then sound gets better. I did not test
>> it to see what happens when more and more calls are created.
>> FS has very low memory consumption and I think that CPU is the limit.
>> I did not notice any monitoring of CPU usage by FS, but my
>> installation is limited to only few modules, so maybe I'm missing
>> something.
> Load testing against the conference module is about the worst thing you
> can do... tossing 100+ people in the same conference isn't going to
> scale well for load testing because its not something you usually do in
> a real world scenario.  Usually you'll have most of the participants muted.
> I highly recommend you try doing something like a bridge or a file
> playback from a ram disk.
I did not described it perfectly. I made agents, queues scenarios on 
This what I tested was for example 100 calls, so it's 200 channels, and 100 
conferences, 2 channels per conference, all are
unmuted. I did that just because it is my work scenario.

>>> Would love to hear some experiences of deploying FS with failover & high
>> My failover is currently made by shell script which every 10 seconds
>> check for working FS and restarts it if it does not work.
>> I use svn trunk so crash happens once a while, but they are
>> successfully fixed by developers.
>> Once there was a problem that conference module was stuck and did not
>> respond to my commands. I made script with netcat which
>> checks once a while for response and restarts if there is none.
>>> load.
> Brian West
> <>
> -- Meet us a ClueCon! <>
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