There is a cloud computing company named 3Tera (AppLogic) that does have an international presence and will keep your FreeSWITCH instance running on a dedicated server using Xen and HA. I spoke with one of their senior engineers about 1 month ago in regards to actually setting up an LCR scenario using their servers located in Europe and the United States. These guys are a little different in the cloud computing world and I believe closer fit the needs of a telephony application. As-is, there are companies using 3tera for their Asterisk installs. So if you want cloud computing with dedicated hardware resources and a set geographic location, then these guys do it. Kind of the best of both worlds. Just a quick 2 cents...


Brian West wrote:

On May 26, 2009, at 10:11 AM, Kristian Kielhofner wrote:

Hey Brian,

 FreeSWITCH in EC2 is a bit of a mystery to me...

 Call me old fashioned but in my mind VoIP and geography are linked
in %99 of scenarios.  Having VoIP services in a pure "cloud"
environment just doesn't sound like a good idea to me.

 Consider a "hosted" environment with clients registered to a
FreeSWITCH server.  One day your instance is physically running on
hardware in Seattle.  The next day it could (potentially) be running
in Chicago.  That's obviously a very different routing path for your
clients.  Even /if/ Amazon (or whomever) employs every routing/network
trick in the book you still won't be able to get over that change in

For some people this isn't a huge difference... now if it were to swap continents then yes it would be a problem. But I haven't seen Amazon do this but I haven't left the instances up long enough to see.

 It's certainly possible a change like this may very well never
happen in practice.  I wouldn't know; I've never used EC2 and I don't
even know that much about it.  I'm just curious how well strictly,
practically speaking this will work in the long term.

There are other companies that do this stuff but personally me... I want my stuff running on real hardware.

Brian West <>

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