On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 10:31 AM, Brian West <br...@freeswitch.org> wrote:
> Not with FreeSWITCH in our testing.  Now if you have stupid defaults
> in your virtualization env. it might act funny but I have run FS on
> EC2 without a problem.
> /b

Hey Brian,

  FreeSWITCH in EC2 is a bit of a mystery to me...

  Call me old fashioned but in my mind VoIP and geography are linked
in %99 of scenarios.  Having VoIP services in a pure "cloud"
environment just doesn't sound like a good idea to me.

  Consider a "hosted" environment with clients registered to a
FreeSWITCH server.  One day your instance is physically running on
hardware in Seattle.  The next day it could (potentially) be running
in Chicago.  That's obviously a very different routing path for your
clients.  Even /if/ Amazon (or whomever) employs every routing/network
trick in the book you still won't be able to get over that change in

  It's certainly possible a change like this may very well never
happen in practice.  I wouldn't know; I've never used EC2 and I don't
even know that much about it.  I'm just curious how well strictly,
practically speaking this will work in the long term.

Kristian Kielhofner

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