Yes, that's what we are doing.

2009/11/24 Brian West <>

> You do realize that the whole concept is OLD skewl.  You should be
> popping this info via external resources when the agent is bridged to
> the caller and the info is there before they are done saying "thanks
> for calling spacely sprockets, this is George how may I help you .... "
> /b
> On Nov 23, 2009, at 7:07 PM, Michael Collins wrote:
> > Tony and Brian were discussing this today. They bring up a really
> > good point: do you want to risk having calls remain on hold as they
> > bounce around looking for an agent? This can happen if you pre-
> > determine which caller goes to which agent and the agent doesn't
> > answer. I do understand why this feature matters to many people -
> > it's how old school ACD systems work. However, mod_fifo is more
> > efficient. It's hard to justify decreasing call routing efficiency
> > in order to display the caller's info to the on-hook agent prior to
> > answering.
> >
> > -MC
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