On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 11:14 AM, Brian <br...@proximosystems.com> wrote:

>  I was evaluating the technologies available, and I thought you would be
> interested in my results. However, almost every other reply I get from you
> to my posts, rather than being helpful, has been hostile and insulting.
Thanks for your input. Just so you know, Tony deals with people on a near
daily basis who want to spend time doing crazy schemes under the guise of
"load testing" or "researching a new solution" which are not grounded in
reality. At first blush this scenario sounded like one of those schemes.
However it definitely looks like you've built a test scenario that mimics
reality better than most. I think we can give you a pass for not being able
to get 500 people all at once to call in every time you need to test. :)

> My scenario is not a hypothetical one of “having robots call the conference
> in a way that probably does not match reality”. In fact, this will very much
> reflect the reality of the application I’m building. Only instead of 300
> listeners, I need to scale to over 2000 listeners minimum – per event, with
> possibly more than one concurrent event. I want to pack as many listeners on
> one server as I can. I’m trying to find a real solution to a real problem.
That kind of volume suggests that the icecast style solution would be best.
It takes much less resources to send audio in one direction than it does to
mix audio from multiple parties.  I like bkw's initial suggestion of
transferring a caller to the conference only when he/she needs to speak,
such as to ask a question. Like Tony mentioned, his focus is on quality not
quantity, so mod_conference probably isn't the best tool for this scenario.

> I work with other open source projects and fund enhancements or fixes I
> need. FreeSWITCH would be no different.
Excellent! It looks like we don't already have a canned solution, obviously,
but as bkw likes to say, all the Lego bricks are there to build the
solution.  Hop on IRC (#freeswitch in irc.freenode.net) or join the weekly
conference which is going on right now and you might catch some of the devs
and leading community members and you can chat in real-time about your
challenges. (http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/FS_weekly_2009_12_14)

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