tor 2023-12-28 klockan 07:20 +1030 skrev david:
> Hi Tomas,
> Thanks for that work.  1.2 was clean up of the Git repo, so nothing
> much has changed in terms of functionality.  We have no plans for a
> fixed point version.  The .c2 file format is a corner use-case (we
> focus mainly on the HF radio use case), but we have no plans to
> change
> it.

Good. One compatibility thing that springs to mind for the future: if
the header needs to be extended, try to extend it in multiples of LCM()
of all block sizes. lcm(4,6,7,8) = 168. That way, while there may be
garbage for the first couple of frames, the bitstream is properly
framed after that.

> A road map of what is currently placed for the entire FreeDV project
> (which includes Codec 2) is here:
> Do you have any way of measuring how many people are using the Codec
> 2
> option in FFmpeg?

I do not, but I was contacted by someone who has been encoding
audiobooks using it. codec2 + zip makes for even smaller files

There may also be interest in the open telephony sphere.

> We have been looking into the use of the freedv-gui application
> (which
> uses libcodec2) in various repos and found no evidence of the
> packaged
> versions of freedv-gui actually being used.  The number of package
> maintainers seems to to outnumber the end users.

This is surprising

> We are interested in auditing the use of freedv-gui and Codec 2 to
> best
> direct our efforts.  For example there is no point supporting package
> maintainers if no one is using the packages - best to direct our
> limited resources elsewhere.

Sounds reasonable

> I find it interesting that package maintenance is such a popular
> hobby
> - we get more correspondence/requests for help on this topic than say
> the DSP side of Codec 2 (where I like to play).

Probably because DSP is harder :)


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