I've carried out some simple tests using ttfautohint with the Ubuntu Font on 
Win XP & Win7, Chrome12 & Firefox4.
The screenshots are at http://code.newtypography.co.uk/

Looks good so far, but i shall test more fonts, particularly a serif and a bold 
display face. I chose Ubuntu Font as i know it's well documented that Dalton 
Maag put a lot of professional hours into it's truetype instructions.

thanks Werner!


On 17 Jun 2011, at 08:31, Werner LEMBERG wrote:

>> but i am embarrassed to admit that i have built the library but have
>> not found how to use the 'autohint' function :) a quick howto,
>> please!
> One important thing I've forgotten to mention: You need the current
> git version of FreeType to test the ttfautohint library; the
> `configure' test for 2.4.4 in ttfautohint is a fake currently since
> 2.4.5 hasn't been released yet.  I know, I know, I should have done
> this already weeks ago :-|
> In case you are running a Unix box (this includes recent Macs), please
> use the attached script which downloads and builds ttfautohint and
> FreeType in a subdirectory called `ttfautohint-build'.  For
> convenience, the created `ttfautohint' binary is static and not
> dependent on other libraries.  After successful compilation, you can
> find it in `ttfautohint-build/out/bin', and you can copy it to any
> other directory.
> If you run the script another time, it will update the git
> repositories instead of downloading, then do a complete build again.
> Calling `ttfautohint' is simple:
>  ttfautohint <in-file> <out-file>
> for example
>  ttfautohint Bevan.ttf Bevan-TA.ttf
> As mentioned earlier, there aren't options right now.  Note that the
> program runs quite slow; adding a progress indicator is on my TODO
> list also.
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