At least in the English that I learned, two things that are not the same
are different. So I find the claim that "they are more same than different,
as such are not different" to be patently false.

On Sep 1, 2017 11:47 PM, "Werner LEMBERG" <> wrote:

> > I am contacting you to have some information regarding the patent
> > for the LCD subpixel filtering.
> >
> > I am currently using the Skia library with freetype, and I noticed
> > in your website<> that there is
> > a patent regarding this feature, but it’s really unclear if it’s
> > possible to enable it with no risks or not.
> Well, we can't answer this since we aren't lawyers.  We can only warn
> that it the ClearType LCD filtering stuff is patented...
> > Will it be possible to have more information about it?
> Not from us, sorry.
> > Or is there a safe way to use the feature?
> The next release of FreeType will provide a different LCD sub-pixel
> rendering method as the default (called `Harmony'), yielding
> approximately identical results.  To our best knowledge the new
> algorithm is not affected by any patents.
>     Werner
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