I have read archive on orgs. Mailing list. I have some doubts, as this
year's GSoC time is reduced to half, which implies that project should be
smaller, and what sarthak have stated in his earlier mail(four or five
points), is quite tough to be completed in such a short span of time, that
is migrating CI, improving UI and comparison sol. apart from that if one
will approach towards what one of the mentors have suggested i.e image
generation it will be quite hectic to manage in only 10 weeks and also to
adjust in your proposal's timeline.

Or is there any probability that for a single project there can be more
than one students in GSoC(many orgs do so). I think this can create some
good condition to work on, as for rest of the projects  stated in the list
,i haven't seen too many students approaching so far. That will be
beneficial for the smooth process.

P.S- I have not seen his proposal yet but i am assuming he have mentioned
it all that he have stated in his mails for freetype.

And i will also be sharing my proposal draft very soon.


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