>> [...]  Thanks to the similar GSoC project last year, there should
>> only be incremental improvements necessary and not the need to
>> start from scratch.  As far as I can see, the migration of the CI
>> to the gitlab instance at freedesktop.org is 100 to 200 lines of
>> code, improving the UI is basically a few hundred lines of CSS.
>> This can be done over a weekend.
> Adding a frontend framework or using bootstrap will definitely take
> some more time

Of course.  Multiple solutions are possible!

>> Basically I don't mind if there are two students who want to split
>> a suggested project into two subprojects.  Note, however, that GSoC
>> doesn't allow real collaboration: The students must write separate
>> proposals that must *not* refer to each other, must code by
>> themselves, etc., etc.  It is a non-trivial task to cleanly define
>> such non-interfering subprojects.
> If i am not getting it wrong you mean to say that we should make
> different different proposals mentioning separate jobs but related
> to the same framework improvement, like we have to divide the tasks
> in such primary level and will give it to our proposal, that means
> that this project can be divided and we have to mention only those
> things in our proposal that is earlier assigned to us to do under
> this project, half-half.

Yes.  However, I don't say you *should* do this.  What I say is that
two students *might* share a project in a 'friendly' way as two
completely separate subprojects, with no official collaboration
between them.

> As i can see GSoC is not about competitive spirit it's about
> collaborative spirit so it might be possible that we can do it
> better somehow in a team sense.  and i have seen many orgs going the
> same and it is suggestion by me in my humble opinion, Am i taking
> your point right?  So that i can make him aware of that...

GSoC is about collaboration, yes – between the student and the members
of the organization under the supervision of one or more mentors.
However, GSoC is competitive between students, and *no* collaboration
between GSoC students is officially wanted.


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