Dirk Meyer wrote:

The following files are in the helpers directory, what should we do
with them?
chktab.py - delete! what's that? Why do we need this?

I used it to check if python files had tabs in them since that can mess up the interpreter. We could remove this and instead use the commandline parameter "-tt" for Python which will generate errors for mixed tabs/space files when developers are working on the code. Hopefully that means the patches are clean.

dvd_cropscale.py - ?

This is a small app to automatically determine good crop and scaling parameters for MEncoder when backing up DVDs in different letterbox formats.

It would probably help new users if there aren't too many irrelevant apps in the helpers/ section. But maybe we could use a subfolder (helpers/extra ?) to stick the less common apps like this one.

Removed. Maybe it's possible to get the windows id of the pygame
window and display mplayer there.

I looked at how fullscreen switching is done in SDL and MPlayer (both similar). They both assume they're the toplevel window, so I don't think this will work for switching back and forth to fullscreen mode. Unless maybe if MPlayer can be given a window ID to use only when in windowed mode.

Still, it would be nifty to be able to display movies in a small window inside Freevo for previews etc.

Let's think why we use runapp. We use it for --prio=xx, that could be
done in Python. The other stuff is for the use with the runtime.

Well, not really, since you still need to re-enable signals when child processes are started from both "source Freevo" and "runtime Freevo". But it doesn't look too hard to just integrate python-libs popen2.py into freevo/src/childapp.py. This could include the "runtime" functions.

o The user downloads to complete package with runtime. He will use
  runapp from the runtime. There is no way to install this correct
  into the system, because you can't install src/ into your python
  site-package when your python is the runtime.

I'm OK with moving the current runapp.c into the runtime until a better solution is found.

We should support both types (or better three, the three mentioned
above). We what us to have:

file         location dir-based       location installed
freevo       .                        $prefix/bin/freevo
src/         src/                     $python/site-packages/freevo/
skins/       share/                   $prefix/share/freevo/


We don't need 'Makefile' and 'configure' anymore, but we will need a
setup.py, the default way for python packages to install themself.


/ Krister

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