OK, time to clean up the helpers:

Aubin Paul wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 07, 2003 at 06:08:25PM +0200, Dirk Meyer wrote:
> blanking           - This disables console blanking

Maybe we should integrate it into freevo and call the stuff in it when
you run Freevo with mga or fbcon.

> convert.py         - This is from when we could only have png album
>                      covers and you had to fetch them manually; 

OK, so it can be deleted?

> freevo2lirc.pl     - This was to upgrade the old lirc-in-freevo_config
>                      to lircrc

Maybe into contrib so that it isn't lost, but I don't thing we will
need this anymore.

> makelogos.py       - Grabs all the station logos for the TV guide


> makeplaylist.py    - Make a playlist from the sqlite db


> makestationlist.py - Convert Freevo_config stations into tvtime


> tvgrep.py          - Allows you to 'grep' through pickle files to
>                      setup recordings from cron or whatever


Any comments on that?


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