
since this thread has gone in other direction I'd still remind of original
question. What are possibilities to build framework where user could
update/maintain his Freevo installation throught Freevo interface. I didn't
think so much about commercial side, more on "busy to do all those upgrades
by my friends" that will never want to know what's under the Freevo's hood.

About commercial thing. I think that selling Freevo machines on large
volumes wouldn't survive in competition with big companies - look Nokia,
they have Linux based media terminal, high priced  and still sell it in
large quantities. One day they'll use some other low cost or open solution.
I think secret for smaller individuals is in support and adaptation of such
systems to user needs.

And several question (I might be wrong in this):
    - if I buy pvr 250 I get legal right to record MPEG2 (disregarding
content rights) files with it don't I (cause Hauppage is probably paying for
mpeg2 chip) ?
    - With PVR you get mpeg2 software decoder so that means that Hauppage
has given you way of playing recorded mpeg2 files. Doesn't this mean that
everything is legal here ? If I use EPIA with builtin mpeg2 decoder I'm
legal again, or not? If I take Hauppage pvr 350 I'm covered for record and
playback ?

About copying: In my country there has been some legal interpretations that
user is responsible of doing things with equipment- for instance in USA
you're even allowed to carry weapon. If you do think in extreme way VCRs,
Xeroxes, each device that allows copying shouldn't be sold in first place...

I live in small country and for now there is still some common sense in
these things. But when we'll enter EU I guess we'll have exact same
problems. The key is to be too small to be sued...



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