I really like taking the distributed approach to Freevo services, it adds the flexibility Krister mentions.

Aubin Paul wrote:
On Fri, Oct 31, 2003 at 10:40:40PM -0600, Krister Lagerstrom wrote:

Just like the record server, it is nice to be able to run it standalone. Then you can have it on a different computer, or if it is on the same computer it can run independently of the main Freevo app.

I know the webserver can be run as a plugin, I'm not sure about the
recordserver. Personally, I like to run the non-GUI parts out of
inittab so it's nice to have the option of splitting them up, but I
can understand what you mean.

I share your opinion here. The Freevo UI may go up and down many times while some components should be up all the time (on a production machine at least). We can already do "freevo recordserver stop" (same with webserver - or any helper) to explicitly stop one of these processes. What doesn't happen though is the script that may be started by init doesn't know that you (might) want to keep it stopped and restarts it again (I like this 'feature'). It could be modified to check something to see if you wand to keep the service off.

If so, maybe we need to extend the Freevo shutdown to ask which parts of Freevo are to be shutdown (all, or selected pieces (main, record server, www, CD backup, DVD backup, etc)).

In the gui?

Yeah, in the gui? :)

Speaking of this, wouldn't it be useful to have the tv_grab function done from inside Freevo by default instead of using cron?

It is possible to do that now, take a look at some of Rob's recent
additions, specifically the appropriately named tv_grab.py in the
src/helpers directory.

I made some changes to tv_grab.py so that it could be imported and have functions called on it to grab and sort your listings. It was my intention to have recordserver take care of this based on a configurable time format.


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