Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri wrote:
>  --- Dirk Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu: 
>> Audio: the audio player is also working, but most plugins are not.
>> The
>> next thing I want to fix is the detach plugin and the detachbar. And
>> the mplayervis plugin is completly broken, someone has to fix this. I
>> heard you want to go to libvisual, this sounds great. Keep in mind
>> that we don't use pygame anymore so you need to render in an imlib2
>> image. Contact me if you have questions about the integration. And
>> feel free to fix a plugin in the audio dir.
> Note about visualization stuff. at least my point of view.
> We should go with LibVisual, it rocks! It support the same mpav
> supports and even more, it's not tied to any output, we can get it the
> way we want. At this time, xmms and amarok are supported, I hope freevo
> is next ;)
> What have to be done is Python wrapper to access the C code, I have no
> experience with this... someone told me about PyRex and I'll try, but
> I'll wait a little more until the API is more stable.
> If someone has experience with C -> Python api, contact-me.

I have some. You can look at the ifoparser in mmpython. Or ask Jason,
he has experience in this with pyimlib2 and also knows imlib2 what you
will need to display.

>> Popupbox: most boxes are broken. I'm still thinking of a good
>> design. We need some sort of layoutmanager for mevas here. Every help
>> is welcome. If Freevo crashes for things I wrote it's working, maybe
>> it's because of the boxes. 
> I'm not aware of the current problems... could you open another topic
> and point them?

How to loyout the content? The old layoutmager? Or a new one with a
different logic? Either way, the old one is not working because now
the objects are CanvasObjects from mevas and the layoutmager needs to
be fixed. Anyone?

>> TV: the tv stuff is broken. But the guide should work. The guide is
>> very slow right now, it has not been optimized. And you can press
>> ENTER on a program to get a channel listing. But you can neither
>> watch or record now. IIRC Rob is fixing the recordserver right now.
> Why it's slow?

Because it's only a quick port from the old area code to the mevas
support. Right now it redraws everything on every event. That's bad,
but it's also a nice test to see Jasons speed up ideas for mevas when
he's done. 

> Also, how the guide will be? The 2-style thing was discussed before or
> the old-bloated we have?
> I'm for the 2-style (or more) guide and have some ideas to colorize
> items. We should mark past programs in another color, rank most viewed
> (need stats) and mark to be recorded/favorites/groups...

Right now, it is two style. You see the guide and press ENTER to go
into channel view. But still, I need more examples how you want to
look it like. What should it do and what keypress? Fire up gimp and
give me ideas.

>> Webserver: don't know, I guess it's also broken, let's wait until Rob
>> updated the recordserver. 
> Is it broken?
> Well, I looked at it a long time ago, but it was a pure hack (see
> optimizations done by Tack, to fix some hacks). We should instead use
> some page templates to separate the control from the view.  But I don't
> think I'll go in this area since I don't use it and it's boring to do
> the conversion (although easy).

Rob and I broke the channel design. The webserver itself may be
working, but I don't know about the epg. All tv/egp* files are gone
now so this may be a problem. 

> I have a bunch of ideas and I'll play with gimp as soon as I go home
> (monday).

Cool! Even people withot programming skills, send pics!


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they try anyway, and which sometimes actually work, such as recompiling
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