On Tue, 2004-09-07 at 01:19, Dirk Meyer wrote:
> Hi,
> some already know because I told it on IRC, but here the official
> "request for discussion":
> I don't like twisted. Why? It's a huge monster, including not only
> stuff we need like xmlrpc and a web server but also stuff we don't
> need and a main loop that is too complex. I saw in the code that it
> waits for dead children not started by any part of twisted .. Hey,
> that are my children, don't touch them! The next problem is, that we
> have one xmlrpc server in the recordserver. But when the schedule
> changes, Freevo has to ask the recordserver for a new schedule, the
> recordserver can't send it to Freevo because a) freevo has no xmlrpc
> port and b) if you have more than one freevo, how should the server
> know that? And we need a way to send stuff to Freevo, like the
> webserver may want to say 'start this audio playlist please'. 
does mbus run over IP? ie, I think it would be a treat to be able to
have recordserver run on a PC anf freevo gui on an xbox or somethign
along those lines..  I don't think this will work right now, but if mbux
has the potential to support this then its a step in the right


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