
        I am trying to fix the games plugin in CVS so that it works again.  I
am learning the plugin system at the same time.  Could someone take a
look at what I have so far and provide me some feedback?  

What is attached:
        This is a simplified version that only implements the essentials.  Move
your existing "games" directory to something like "games.old" and unpack
the tarball in the freevo directory.

What works:
- The games plugin shows up in the main menu.
- A listing of available roms is displayed.
- A ZSNES plugin that launches zsnes

 - only shows roms with the "smc" extension
 - zsnes must be in your path

What's broken:
 - The freevo screen is black after zsnes is exited.  I cannot get the
menu to come back.


Attachment: freevo_games.tar.bz2
Description: application/bzip-compressed-tar

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