Dischi, I was going to look at doing the aspect stuff for the xine
backend, but the mplayer backend looks like it isn't working right

When I play a video that's 688x560 with an aspect of 1.75, and set
WINDOW = '4:3' in test/play.py, mplayer is being called with
scale=800:600,expand=800:600, which clearly isn't right.

If I call set_aspect(1.0) on the player, it does a bit better.  mplayer
is called with scale=800:488,expand=800:600.  The correct value, given
square pixels on the output window, is scale=800:458,expand=800:600
(800/1.75 == 458).  

I think it makes more sense instead of dealing with window aspect ratio,
to deal with output pixel aspect ratio, because when you have a 800x600
window and say that the window's aspect ratio is 16:9, this doesn't
really make sense to me.  After all, the aspect ratio of an 800x600
window is 800/600=1.33.  On the other hand, if you say the display's
pixel aspect is 16:9, then it's much clearer that this 800x600 window
will be stretched by the display into a 16:9 aspect.

So I think then the API should be changed to set_output_pixel_aspect(),
and the aspect should default to 1.0 (square pixels).

What do you think?

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