Jason Tackaberry wrote:
> On 2007-09-06 11:53, Dirk Meyer wrote:
>> Right. Doc inside the source is also very helpfull. Besides that, I
>> wrote down some coding style rules. Not every rule is as important as
>> the other one and not every dev uses these rules, but it is a good
>> guideline:
> I know we've argued about some of these rules. :)
> At the very least, 4 needs to be changed from 80 to 120, since we both
> agreed on this one.


> Also, 3 maybe needs to be reworded.  I obviously don't disagree about
> adding more code documentation, but you said to add comments to the
> effect of "add xy to z" which, when interpreted the way I do, I rather
> think is not only pointless but a bit embarrassing.
> I'm reminded of some code submitted by a web hosting company that I
> reviewed at a previous job.  One of my initial requirements for the
> project is that the code had to be well documented.  As a result, the
> code was riddled with meaninglessness like this:
>    # increment x by one
>    $x += 1;

OK, that is pointless. But when porting some code to Freevo 2.0 I
found something like 'if isinstance(x, SomeClass)' and I wondered how
this could happen. This is were I want some doc.

> Might also be worth mentioning the convention of prefixing private
> methods and variables with underscores.  Although that's something that
> even our own code is not so consistent with. :)

Yes. The good way would be to use _ for something like protected. Only
use this in the same module. But I also like __ which is private, only
this class can access it and a class inhertig it can reuse that
var. It is a nice feature

class A(object):
   __somevar = 4

class B(A):
   __somevar = 5

These are two different variables. It is nice to use this because you
don't have to look at A when writing B if somevar is alreday used.


"There is no law requiring me to make sense."

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