Hi Duncan,

it seems that my problem with the recordserver is gone after upgrading python 
to version 2.5.2a0.

All my test showed, that problem was happening inside of subprocess.Popen. As 
you also noticed, a 
print statement directly after the Popen call was never executed, but there was 
also never an 
exception. Somehow freevo got lost in the Popen call and there was not further 
sign of life from 
there. This observations made me start googling and maybe the problem was due 
to this python bug:

Issue #1336: fix a race condition in subprocess.Popen if the garbage
   collector kicked in at the wrong time that would cause the process
   to hang when the child wrote to stderr.

Anyway, now (after upgrading) the recording works as expected! :-)

But now I have the shutdown problem you were talking about. :-(


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