O.K.  I'm and just in off the rice paddies of the Windows world so bear with me if I am asking dumb questions here, (and yes I have looked through the list archive before I asked).
here are the system specs:
2.2 AMD
AD 77 Infinity Pro
10 GB WD Hard drive (OS)
80 GB Maxtor Hard Drive (Media)
120 GB Maxtor Hard Drive (Media)
512 MB RAM
ATI All in wonder 9000 pro
Wireless Keyboard intergraded mouse
52X cdrom
floppy etc etc
Mandrake 8.2 Linux
To start out I partitioned my 10 GB hard drive with a 128 MB Swap Partition, a 50 MB Boot and then just put the rest of the files in the remaining free space.  I then deselected all the the packages for mandrake and then it asked me if I wanted to do a minimal install with or with out X.  I chose minimal install with X of course.  I set lilo up as my bootloader.  After I got in I installed freevo ver 1.3.2pre4, freevo-runtime, freevo-appz, mozilla, samba, samba-swat, xwindows commander through the rpm package manager.  IceWM in my windows manager.  I have two users, (root and freevo).  I have all of my hardware working except for my sound card, (not sure what to do here).
So I configured freevo to look for my movies and music in my media folders.  And that part works.  It apparently reads my mp3 id3 tags and what not, finds the cover images, etc.  The only problem is that when I try to play my media files it just sits there and looks stupid.  When I try to play a video file it will display the first frame and then it "freezes," that is the best I can describe it because I have to change my sessions (f1, f2, etc.) then give the reboot command.  This is really frustrating.  Could it be that I don't have my audio setup yet that is causing this?
I have enabled mplayer logging and it has shown some stuff.
here is some clippets:
    :No such file or directory
    can't open '/root/.mplayer/codec.conf': No Such file or directory
    Can't Open input config file /root/.mplayer/input.config: No such fiel or directory.
I don't really suppect these being a problem (but figured I should mention it) because as I stated, it will display the first frame of the movie then freeze.
Here are some other lines that I suppect are the problem:
    Requested audio codec family [mad] (afm=libmad) not availavle (enable it at compilation)
I have not clue what the hell that means.  I did a search in my rpm manager and there are some mad and libmad files but installing them didn't do anything.
Here is something else
Xlib: extension "XVideo" missing on display ":0.0".
Sorry, XV not supported by this X11 version/driver
********** Try with -vo x11 or -vo sdl ************
I suppect these last two errors are the problem but I am not sure where to fix them at.  Are these problems with my freevo config files or with my linux config files?  I just did a search in my freevo config file and found one instance of "xv" and I deleted it out.  It didn't fix anything though.  Let me check there error logs and see if there is anything new.  Yea, I get
The selected video_out device is incompatible with this codec
and the XVideo is missing error again.
At anyrate, if some one could clue me in here it would be much appricated.

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