Lars Michael Jogback wrote:
> I see three new things out of this. (They overlap a little bit, but each
> serves a special purpose)
> 1) A new type of file "folder.fxd" which would be applied on each file
>    in the folder as a default, if not a specific file would match.
>    This file should only be used as a default for another file and not
>    be "playable" by it self. It could contain:
>      - name of the folder
>      - all the infos about a collection of movies, or info about the
>        TV-show, CD or whatever is stored in the folder. (Like plot,
>        rating, tagline etc)
>      - Default mplayer-options
>      - Cover-picture to show before one has entered the folder
>        (The same way as movies)

OK, today is reading-marked-old-mails and freevo-hacking
day. folder.fxd now can contain a title, a cover and a content
description. The mplayer options aren't there.


  <folder title="my recordings" cover-img="record.png">
    <setvar name="directory_autoplay_single_item" value="0"/>
      <content>All the recodings I havn't seen yet</content>

        you can also add skin informations here


> 2) A possibility to store .fxd-files in the TV_SHOW_IMAGES directory.
>    This files coud contain the same information as a normal .fxd-file
>    But would be applied by the regexp of the episode. Exactly the same
>    way that TV_SHOW_IMAGES is applied to day.
>    Perhaps, you could extend the DTD to include some episode specific
>    info, like episode plot (as you suggested Dischi) but I think that
>    it would be easier to just do a "normal" .fxd-file for that specific
>    episod then.

Normal fxd, already in 1.3.4

> Either way. I'd be happy if I could just store the mplayer-options
> for a folder in some way.

Store them on a tv show bases.


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