Hi, newbie questions on the horizon...

I am newish to Linux, and you may say I am jumping in the deep end, but I need to have a purpose for spending time learning stuff, and this might be my purpose... A few assorted questions if I may.


Athlon 1000
256Mb Ram
Radeon 9200 video card, with s-video TV out
PCI wintv Hauppauge card (also USB model lying around somewhere...)
Redhat 8 disks available (or Suse 7.1 if that is better)
I have read the documentation guide on the freevo site and several other guides via google

What I want to achieve is TIVO style machine with video out to a 28inch WS TV (PAL)

I have tried windows with showshifter and snapstream without success so far.


Is the above reasonable spec/baseline

I assume the PCI wintv is the preferred model

Will Freevo work well with video out to TV (I really need it to be virtually Cable quality to make my wife accept it!)

As said I am a newbie who wants to run before he walks, but is it a reasonable task to work out all the rpm dependencies etc. Given my newbiism, which is the best idiots guide, which will tell me when to scratch my nose etc!!!

How does freevo compare with windows offerings at the current time (Accepting the open source/free software arguments as read etc, and knowing things will continue to be developed)

Is RH8 best (I read RH9 isn't naturally compatible)

Many thanks for any guidance/tips

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