I need some hand-holding on capture card issue.

I'm using RH8 and Kworld KW-TV878RF-PRO capture card.  Card isn't being
autodetected.  It is listed in the BTTV info. as "card=78 - Jetway
TV/Capture JW-TV878-FBK, Kworld KW-TV878RF ". How do I 'install' this card
in RH8 so that I can test it with xawtv or some other program before trying
to use it in xine or mplayer so that it will work in freevo. (I've read
through the bttv wiki and info on other sites but nothing is really making
sense to me...newbie)

ugh - i feel ur pain - i too have a bt878 that isnt autodetected, but worse for me my card isnt listed at all, just a non-FM-radio mono-only version, so i have to put up with 1 channel of audio :( (sucks big time!)

anyways, what u need is some lines added to ur /etc/modules.conf file, something like this:

# bttv
##alias char-major-81 bttv
alias char-major-81 videodev
alias char-major-81-0 bttv
#options bttv card=10,26,51,70,24 # <-- they all work with my MagicTView 878
options bttv card=51 radio=1 tuner=20 pll=1 fieldnr=0 bttv_verbose=2 automute=0
#options tuner debug=1 type=19,20,30
#options tuner debug=1 type=20
options tuner debug=1 type=20
options tvmixer debug=2 devnr=1
options tvaudio debug=1 tea6300=1

## bttv audio (btaudio) # MODULE_PARM(dsp1,"i"); # MODULE_PARM(dsp2,"i"); # MODULE_PARM(mixer,"i"); # MODULE_PARM(debug,"i"); # MODULE_PARM(irq_debug,"i"); # MODULE_PARM(digital,"i"); # MODULE_PARM(analog,"i"); # MODULE_PARM(rate,"i"); # MODULE_PARM(latency,"i"); # MODULE_PARM_DESC(latency,"pci latency timer"); #options btaudio debug=2 irq_debug=1 digital=1 analog=0 rate=44100 #options btaudio debug=2 irq_debug=1 digital=1 analog=0 rate=32000 #options btaudio debug=2 irq_debug=2 digital=0 analog=1 rate=44100 options btaudio debug=1 irq_debug=1 digital=1 analog=1 dsp1=1 dsp2=2 mixer=1

## bttv audio (msp3400)
# MODULE_PARM(once,"i");
# MODULE_PARM(debug,"i");
# MODULE_PARM(simple,"i");
# MODULE_PARM(amsound,"i"); # do not use - for france 6.5Mhz sound carrier.
# MODULE_PARM(dolby,"i");
# MODULE_DESCRIPTION("device driver for msp34xx TV sound processor");
options msp3400 debug=2 once=1 simple=1 dolby=1

(i always read the drivers source and copy all the options to the modules.conf as comments, helps for tweaking later, and for times like this when you dont want to explain every litle thing :P )

just add some similar "options" lines to suit your hardware in your modules.conf file, use "modprobe bttv" to load and check ur syslog for errors etc, if probs unload with rmmod bttv, and try again with different options.

hope that helps,


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