I'm not sure what options are available for my card or what's in the
drivers. Do you mean you read the bttv driver source and experimented until
you found what worked with your card?

well thats what i did, i only read the driver source to make sure i got all the options, sometime modinfo *module name* dosnt list everything, thats what i meant.

to get my card working involved playing with the card= and tuner= options aswell as pll=1(for pal), the best way is to look at your card, see if it has one crystal on it or two, if it has two (which it sounds like it has, like mine) ths means it works on pal and ntsc, but u have to select which crystal to use with the pll=0/1 option, i need pll=1 for pal (Australia) to work.

also look at you tuner, is it temic or phillips or other? it should have a model number clearly printed on it, and im sure you'll find a match in the TUNER file (same place where u found ur CARDLIST file for bttv)

basicaly, apart from looking at the card to see what hardware you have (write down any other chips you find, they may be stereo or fm chips etc), it helps to know what ur card can do, ie radio=0 or radio=1 etc. and just keep playing, you may have the right card=# number but wrong tuner=# number, or visa-versa.

ths is how i got mine working.

BTW if your card is "sorta" autodetected, then you must have a sub-system for the card when you lspci -v ? my card dosnt so it has no hope of ever being autodetected, if yours does, then once its working send all the info to bttv developers so they can include support for the card.

this is what my lspci -v looks like for the bt878 i have:

00:0a.0 Multimedia video controller: Brooktree Corporation Bt878 Video Capture (rev 02)
Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 64, IRQ 9
Memory at dfdfe000 (32-bit, prefetchable) [size=4K]

00:0a.1 Multimedia controller: Brooktree Corporation Bt878 Audio Capture (rev 02)
Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 64, IRQ 9
Memory at dfdff000 (32-bit, prefetchable) [size=4K]

notice no "Subsytem:" bit.

Here's my status:
My card may be autodetecting, though behavior suggests not flawless. When I
run xawtv and it is set to 'television' for 'video source' and 'TV norm' set
to 'NTSC', all I see is a bunch of static in the top 1/2in. to 1 in. of 'tv'
display window. If I change the video source to use S-video or composite1
(I am feeding output of my camcorder to those inputs for testing), I can see
that xawtv is trying to display the image, but it's like the horz. sync is
not right (image is indistinguishable). Then I change the 'TV norm' to PAL
or NTSC-jp or really any of the other choices and I start to get an image
that is squished vertically into about the top 1/2 of the display window and
colors may not look right. Then I switch 'TV norm' back to NTSC, same
picture remains (the 1/2-height squished one), I double-click window title
bar (which turns display off and just title bar remains), then repeat
double-click on title bar and display window is re-created---but now it
looks normal. At this point I can switch the camcorder to playback and the
video is played back like normal...just no sound from linux box (sound on
the linux box works fine for everything besides xawtv--which hints that
sound settings for bttv aren't right).

most of that just sounds like wrong tuner or card option (or the pll has to be set for NTSC)

as far as the audio goes, what are you using? the loop plug in the back of the card to your soundcard? or the digital audio built in? the loop plug is fairly simple and should work, if it isnt try the correct tuner settings (and make sure u havnt muted the line-in or plugged the bttv loop plug into the mic input), i only got audio on one tuner setting but 3 others worked good but without audio.
also, if you know your card has a mixer (bass/teble/balance/vol) then you might need the tvmixer module loaded so you can access the bttv cards mixer (usally /dev/mixer1), just incase the audio is muted internaly.

if you using the digital audio, well dont untill you know the tuner and card settings are correct, then once its ok, and u have loaded the btaudio drivers ok, then u can use /dev/dsp2 or /dev/dsp3 or whatever you set up the bttv audio to be instead of the external loop plug (/dev/dsp0:Line).

OK, with all that said, I know diddly-squat about bttv driver options or how
to find out what my card is capable of (as it has no linux info., just


type #modinfo bttv to find the bttv options

you really only need to find your cards model (or as similar as possible) from CARDSLIST (i think you said card=78 was correct last time) and the correct tuner type from TUNERS, and your half way there, just experiment. you probably need ppl=0 for NTSC instead of 1 for PAL

good luck with it all, if anything is confusing or you get stuck let us know.



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