On Fri, 06 Feb 2004 06:14:51 -0400, Rob Shortt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Bernard Mentink wrote:
I am trying to get mencoder to use btaudio instead of the external audio cable into line-in.

Heh, I just said, "I bet he's using btaudio".

My mencoder options looks like this:

mencoder tv:// -tv driver=v4l:input=0:norm=PAL:channel=11:chanlist=newzeland:\
audiorate=32000:buffersize=64 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:\
vbitrate=1200:keyint=30 -oac mp3lame -lameopts br=128:cbr:mode=3 -ffourcc divx -o test.avi

Hmm, your audiorate looks ok, is it getting parsed with the '\''s ok, what does the running mencoder say about it?

I actually tried it all in one line as well, mplayer accepts aa the options fine ...

As far as I can see, I have done exactly what the FAQ alludes too ...

modprobe btaudio shows up in demsg as dsp0 [digital] and dsp1 [analog]
modprobe tvmixer shows as mixer0

Perhaps give dsp0 a try as well.

Yep, tried dsp0, it locks up mplayer in a continuous loop muttering about the video device?

I am using alsa.

Hmm, I think btaudio emulates OSS and not sure what happens when you use alsa. When I used to use it I was using OSS.

Maybe the OSS layer is not completly compatible, I have tried putting "alsa" in the -tv options
but I cannot get it to accept the "hw:0,0 device. Does anyone know how to enter this device without the":", I tried HW,0,0 but it did not like that either.

Any suggestions to getting rid of the chipmunks. Looks & sounds like the framerate is 10 x normal.

WHat, you don't like Alvin? :)


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