On Thu, 2004-07-08 at 11:03 +0200, Fons van der Beek wrote:
> I've playing around with the patched version of mplayer and the
> timeshifting implementation of  Jason IT ROCKSSSSSSS even at at
> resolution of 640x480 i have FULL speed on the mplayer side while my CPU
> utilisation is about 30% (not by using a hardware encoding card but just
> by using a saa7134 in combination with mp1e)

Wow, really? :)  I wasn't expecting it to Just Work with mp1e.  This is
really nice to hear.  How fast is your CPU?

> wget http://sault.org/mebox/downloads/mplayer-ringbuffer-2004-07-06.patch

Well, the patch is included in the timeshift tarball, but this is fine
too. :)

> I had some issues with audio from mp1e and mplayer (i heard the audio from
> mp1e in the background of
> the current show while mplayer was playing the "timeshifted" show

This sounds really strange.  It must be a bug with mp1e?

> It isn't perfect yet, starting after a pause results in a temporary delay of
> the audio, but this is maybe adjustable

How temporary?  I suspect this may have something to do with my "seek
while paused" changes, since it doesn't sync the audio until after the
video is unpaused.  This makes seeking _much_ more responsive but the
result is a slight desync (0.2 seconds or so) of the audio after
unpause, although I don't notice it as much.  I can probably tune it.  

I'd be interested in having a 30-60 second sample mpeg captured from
mp1e that I can test on?

> by modifying the mp1e paramaters. But i would say, if the right people
> incorperate this in freevo (with the right
> programming, skills i personaly don't have) this could be a way to go to
> implement this in Freevo.

Sounds like Rob is going to give it a try integrating it with Freevo.

Thanks for the feedback!


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