This might be due to the fact I'm european, but I really feel a few features are missing...

I'd like if for instance teletext could be implemented in Freevo? It would have enlugh cache to store the entire set of pages in memory (or disk cache), so browsing teletext pages would be amazingly fast. of course, the teletext module should update the cache as neccesary as pages are read from the signal.. also, subtitles are often broadcast on a teletext page, and it would be nice if these could be overlayed, or at least saved as a .sub (or whatever) file next to the recording...

Also, in the Teletext signal, theres often a PDC signal embedded (At least in many european countries). Since program start and stop delays are common here, getting this implemented would really make the final edge in Freevo.

I hope this gets to the devs, who have made an otherwise amazing effort in the PVR world :)

- Styx

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