On Dec 6, 2004, at 11:20 AM, Robert Kortenoeven wrote:

> On Dec 4, 2004, at 10:26 PM, Zach Lym wrote:
>> On Dec 2, 2004, at 2:08 PM, Robert Kortenoeven wrote:
>>> Interesting issues. I've been pretty bad with providing User
>>> Interface
>>> input, but I still would
>>> like to contribute. UI design for consumer products is the work I do
>>> on a daily basis and
>>> Freevo is a great product.
>>> I cannot code either (no matter how much I want to, I don't know
>>> where
>>> to start). Is it difficult
>>> to get into Python? I've never really done any coding apart from the
>>> Flash and Director
>>> scripting I do on a frequent basis. Would be great if Freevo's UI
>>> could be developed in Flash...
>> Hmmmm  I have never been a huge fan of flash
>> If we just do the photoshop mockups they can implement it whatever way
>> they want.  Plus I would think there may be some licensing issues to
>> use Flash for the interface.
> I agree with that. It's just every Interaction Designer's (what I do
> for a living) dream to have that much
> (direct) control over the look and feel of the product's User
> Interface...
> As for providing UI concepts for Freevo, it can be very useful for
> people like me to provide Flash/Director
> examples. In my daily work, I do a lot of UI specifying for
> screen-based products and in addition of the
> Photoshop assets I usually provide a (linear or dynamic)
> Flash/Director demo to the software engineering
> team to clarify the behavior (flow and animations).
Ahh hey, that is a really good idea.  I like it.  I will have to get
back into flash.  Although I never got beyond basic programming in it.
What other things do you develop?
>>> My skin development has stalled a bit since my last attempt (called
>>> Lounge) a couple
>>> of months ago, primarily because I have some trouble changing certain
>>> things in the
>>> skin and I have had a lot of trouble getting my system working again
>>> after my update
>>> to Fedora 2 (I'm not that much of a command-line guy).  My objective
>>> is still to finish this
>>> one and start work on another one. It would also be great if my skin
>>> could be included
>>> (when finished) in a future release or on the Freevo website.
>>> The skin is still available for download here:
>>> http://www.stormbuster.demon.nl/
>> You from the Nederlands?
> I'm a cheese-head, indeed... ;)
I didn't know you were called cheese-heads but I found my favorite
cheese there.  What city?  Would you like me to correct your english?  
However good it is, the percentage that speaks english is in the 90's
isn't it?
>>> I use the skin full time and on a daily basis at home. It would be
>>> great if you guys could
>>> give it a try and give me some suggestions on how to fix things (for
>>> instance how to give
>>> my highlight the right horizontal size in some of the screens, like
>>> the contextual menu where
>>> it's have the size all of a sudden and how to change the color of the
>>> text that appears when
>>> a folder is empty or contains invalid data).
>>> I know you like to have some icons in it, but for me it is more
>>> important to get the basics right before
>>> going into the use of icons (icons should support the UI, but it
>>> should be possible to use the product
>>> without them).
>>> I'm not to sure about Jef Raskin's guidelines when it comes to UI
>>> design for consumer
>>> electronics, as the way we enjoy Freevo is fundamentally different
>>> from the productivity systems
>>> that Jef focuses on (which does not mean I'm not thankful for what he
>>> did at Apple off course).
>> The interface design principals he teaches are still applicable.  The
>> later part of the book where he provides solutions to many computer
>> navigational problems is less useful as it deals with mice and
>> keyboards.  Here we will focus on remote controls and their special
>> attributes.
>> One thing that scares me is lack of standardization.  Especially with
>> Freevo remotes, as they use nothing but 3rd party vendor solutions.  
>> It
>> would be cool if we could make a standard remote spec.  The
>> instructions on how to build them are on the site.  It would also be a
>> cool way to make money if we started selling some...  I have machining
>> friends I could get in on it.  There was also an online oriented
>> custom
>> fabrication place on /. a while ago...
>> Anyway, I think that is a ways off and a rather large project.
> Standardization on the hardware side would be great. I'm not sure how
> feasible
> it is. One thing that we could at least start looking at is
> commonalities in the remote
> controls that people use with Freevo. Directional keys for instance
> can be found on
> the majority of remote controls in one way or the other, so it would
> be a miss to ignore
> that.
Ohh yes, it would be silly to ignore that.  I was thinking hand wise
how to implement it.  It may be impossible without introducing a mode
or having a custom quasi-mode key.  : (
>>> Then again, I haven't read his book, so I cannot not have a justified
>>> opinion on that.
>>> I had a brief look at The Humane Environment he's developing, but it
>>> failed to keep my attention.
>> I got addicted to it quick.  It is very basic in that it has no
>> export/import or cleans up the deleted section (it saves everything
>> you
>> have deleted.)  I would type everything in it and c/p it into
>> something
>> else for a while.  But then OS X came and I didn't feel like compiling
>> it and dealing with all that extra crap.  I have just been waiting for
>> future versions.
> I'll probably give it another try when/if he releases an Os X version.
>>> In terms of UI design for Consumer Electronics (which Freevo is part
>>> of), I usually stick to
>>> 3 basic rules in navigation;
>>> 1.    What is active/where is my highlight focus
>>> 2.    Where did I come from (feedback)
>>> 3.    Where can I go to ('feedforward')
>>> The first one may seem obvious, but in Freevo for instance, problems
>>> may already
>>> occur in a dialogue with 2 buttons. If not properly designed, it can
>>> be difficult to
>>> figure out which button has focus and as a result, when to press OK.
>>> The above rules are a lot easier to apply with the support of
>>> animation (for instance
>>> animating the menus horizontally in and out of the screen when
>>> navigating through
>>> the different levels). Animation is often underestimated when it
>>> comes
>>> to UI design,
>>> it's not just for fancy effects, but it can help the user understand
>>> what's happening
>>> on-screen. Animation should be smooth and 'snappy' though, if one
>>> wants to give
>>> the UI a quality feel to it.
>> Yeah, MS completely missed the point of animation.  They have a little
>> dog, big deal.  OS X usually uses it only when it serves a function.
>> Communicates an idea.  It also needs to be fast.  Most DVD's it takes
>> FOREVER to get it going because they have to look cool while doing it.
>> After changing menus 3 times it becomes more annoying than cool.
> Couldn't agree more :)  (although the Shift-click slow-motion
> animation option
> in OsX is something that should never have made it into the final
> product.
> But then again, I guess Stevie likes it...)
>>> For me though, one of the main bottlenecks in Freevo currently is the
>>> navigation through
>>> large lists, especially in the music and photo sections (this takes a
>>> lot of time with the remote
>>> control). It would be really great to have an acceleration mechanism
>>> in the scrolling behavior.
>>> I can work out a simple Flash demo to give you an idea of what I have
>>> in mind.
>> While accelerated scrolling is good I believe that there are faster
>> ways.  Ever dealt with an iPod?  It allows you to scroll really really
>> fast, but you just end up scrolling past things.  I think that a
>> button
>> to skip to the next letter in the alphabet would be a better way.  I
>> believe one of the best ways is incremental search, something Apple
>> has
>> just hit on.  It is really a great thing, and I am working on some web
>> sudo- implementations in PHP with a friend.  Anyway, just to get an
>> idea on how much faster and better it is just download iTunes.  While
>> it could use some features it is almost spot on in terms of the UI,
>> within the standard crappy UI paradigm.
>> That would require an alphabet on the remote though.  It isn't that
>> bad
>> actually, especially if they are not spelling out entire name, usually
>> only getting close then arrowing to it is enough.  I would recommend a
>> system like on phones.  Press button x many times to get letter.  The
>> need for a quasi mode is entered into here though.  I have been
>> holding
>> onto this email because of this.  Basically I need to go to the
>> drawing
>> board on this one : )
> Sounds like a great idea. I do think it should coexist with the
> standard ways
> of navigation (where accelerated scrolling should still be a
> requirement).
> It would be great if there are multiple ways of getting to your
> content.
But we have to be very careful about how we implement it...
> One of the things I mentioned before is that it would be great if we
> could use
> Daap somehow to create a similar music navigation structure as in
> iTunes
> (using Genre, Artist, Album and Track title information from the ID3
> data). This
> may work quite well with your text search proposal. The Java
> application
> Applerecords from cdavies.org actually already has a realtime search
> implemented. On the other hand Hans Meine already pointed out that this
> also depends on the core Freevo developers using Daap...
> I can have a think about possible UI solutions for such a search
> mechanism
> and what the screen requirements would be.
>>> Dirk, can you still have a look one of these days at a possible
>>> implementation of the
>>> left/right arrows on the highlight, as shown in the main menu
>>> screenshot on my website?
>>> This relates to the rules mentioned above; on the top level, only the
>>> right arrow is shown
>>> and on the deepest level, only the left arrow is shown, indicating
>>> where one can navigate.
>> Definitely, a user doesn't need to guess what to do next.  Or fear
>> what
>> if they can get back if they make a mistake for that matter.
>>> Cheers,
>> Likewise
>> Zach
>> P.S. I have to use my web interface to send off the emails I for this
>> list.  I sent one off using my email program, which got the moderator
>> filter.  It didn't tell me which one though.  If I didn't respond to
>> an
>> email just tell me which and I will resend it.
> I'll keep you posted
Thank God, I'll sleep better now : )
> Thanks,
> Robert
>>> Robert
>>> On Dec 1, 2004, at 9:38 PM, Zach Lym wrote:
>>>> On Wed, 1 Dec 2004 20:05:18 +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
>>>>> Actually, I find freevo's interface pretty good.
>>>>> It's clean, it's simple and I never have any trouble finding what I
>>>>> want.
>>>> Ahh, good!  I'm very glad to be hearing this postive feedback from
>>>> so
>>>> many people
>>>>   You probably find it intuitive even.  The problem is we are
>>>> computer
>>>>   users.  Intuitive is no longer a _natural_ tenancy but a learned
>>>> one.
>>>>   We using standard interface conventions we have set up a series of
>>>>   conventions that make no sense to my mother but seem _natural_ to
>>>> us.
>>>>   It is not because it is natural, but learned.  For instance when
>>>> does
>>>>   one double click and single click?  Jokingly reffered to
>>>> dysclicksia
>>>>   we have se up several modes as to when to single click and when to
>>>>   double click.  Many (I would guess most) computer users still
>>>> double
>>>>   click on Internet links.  This is the normal behavior in the rest
>>>> of
>>>>   the PC interface, essncially a mode.
>>>> There are also smaller things like color, size, etc. that improve
>>>> interface speed.  Reorganize steps and other things to reduce erros.
>>>> I
>>>> am quite happy to see all buttons labeled.  They
>>>> should be, you never see tool tips for labels do you?  Because
>>>> usually
>>>> the label is enough to understand it.  There are also things one can
>>>> do
>>>> to improve the ability to create habits.
>>>>> As to modes....um, ok, it's all very nice complaining about modes,
>>>>> but
>>>>> without suggestions as to how it could be done
>>>>> better, it's of no use at all.
>>>>> (to introduce the strawman) eg, how would you get rid of modes in a
>>>>> drawing program?
>>>>> Currently you's switch from selection mode to drawing a box mode to
>>>>> drawing a circle mode.  How are you meant to draw something in
>>>>> particular
>>>>> unless you are in the mode to draw that object type?
>>>> Ahh, true.  Modes are sometimes necessary, but they still suck and
>>>> should be avoided.  One solution is to use a Quasi-mode like using
>>>> the
>>>> shift key.  Another would be that after one use it relegates back to
>>>> the
>>>> default select tool.  Neither solution is really optimal, but one
>>>> has
>>>> to
>>>> do deal with it.  And it should be evident to the user what mode
>>>> s/he
>>>> is
>>>> in, and why they cannot do certain things.  Even after ten years of
>>>> using Photoshop I still run into times where I just can't do
>>>> something.
>>>> Why?  I have to use honed computer trouble shooting skills to figure
>>>> out
>>>> what is wrong.  When I watch students in the drawing class at school
>>>> they blink, try again, try reselecting the object or whatever the
>>>> last
>>>> behavior was, and either avoid doing it or raise a hand.  I am
>>>> usually
>>>> able to tell them what is wrong, "Ohh, you using a picture with
>>>> indexed
>>>> color.  Just switch it to RGB like this."  Why didn't the interface
>>>> tell
>>>> them why they couldn't apply a filter and how to change it so they
>>>> could? I still sometimes have to save the picture and restart
>>>> photoshop
>>>> because I am in some mode and I can't figure out how to get out of
>>>> it.
>>>>> or was it only meaning 'modal dialog' boxes?  sure, they can be
>>>>> annoying
>>>>> when badly designed, but sometimes they really are necessary when
>>>>> it
>>>>> would
>>>>> be stupid to continue without adding that info.
>>>> I agree with you, if a mode is needed one HAS to to implement it,
>>>> but
>>>> is
>>>> should be done well.  Dialogue boxes are annoying too, not as bad as
>>>> modes.  I think we mostly agree.  When information is needed
>>>> sometimes
>>>> it needs to be reordered.  It would be stupid if not impossible to
>>>> proceed without that information.  An example in The Humane
>>>> Interface
>>>> is
>>>> a when one team was having a high number of documents sent to the
>>>> wrong
>>>> departments.  Everything they tried didn't help, and were leading to
>>>> complaints from the staff over their draconian methods.  By simply
>>>> reorganizing the structure of the input by making what people were
>>>> really after, writing the document, first and the details second
>>>> errors
>>>> fell dramatically.  People would rush through the from who, to who
>>>> at
>>>> the beginning making mistakes to get to the actual writing.
>>>> Of course not nearly as much of this (I hope :) will be needed for
>>>> the
>>>> Freevo interface.  The strawman you introduced is quite a complex
>>>> beast.
>>>> Hope everyone is having a good day.
>>>> Zach.
>>>>> Yes, of course it would remain remote friendly :)
>>>>> I have heard good things on Alan Cooper's book.  I would like to
>>>>> read it
>>>>> along with The Design of Everyday Things.  It does not explain the
>>>>> underlying science of human computer interaction, or how to test
>>>>> it.
>>>>> Jef's book is more of a shortcut, reading many interface books will
>>>>> do
>>>>> the same, including Norman, Card, and Moran.  But Jef puts a
>>>>> special
>>>>> emphisis on modes.  Modes are VERY VERY VERY bad.  It leads to some
>>>>> interesting conclusions.  Like how we should rid ourselves of
>>>>> applications...
>>>>> Zach

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