
the Freevo Wiki is filled with spam and the old MoinMoin doesn't
support access restrictions. Because SF made a hardware and software
update on the Webserver, I installed the current version of
MoinMoin. Since the old Wiki has spam and outdated informations, the
documents are not copied to the new Wiki. Please help us copying the
old docs. 

New Wiki: http://freevo.sf.net/cgi-bin/doc
Old Wiki: http://freevo.sf.net/cgi-bin/moin.cgi

To add something to the new Wiki you must login. Without login you can
only read the pages. After login please do the following:

o Find a page you want to port to the new Wiki. Or even a part of a
  page. Better use more smaller pages and not one big page. E.g. the
  old DocumentationPage is too big. I ported the tv part to a tv
  configuration page. 

o Copy the content from the old page to the new one. Check the
  - remove spam
  - check if the doc is about Freevo 1.5.x or cvs, nothing
    older. Remove old stuff.
  - add something if you like

o Replace the old page (or part of the page) with a link to the page
  in the new Wiki.

I hope to get a nice documentation wiki in the near future, but I need
help. Someone also made a tikiwiki version of our homepage and the
wiki, but even the new webserver on sf can't handle this. So it is
still MoinMoin. 


The trouble with work is... it's so daily.

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