On Mon, 2005-05-30 at 13:16 -0300, Rob Shortt wrote:
> I'd like to try these by having the video app and OSD engine drawing to 
> premade DFB surfaces inside DFB windows that could be layered 
> apropriately.  This may or may not fly but I'd like to attempt it anywys.

Using vf_outbuf you could have MPlayer write BGR32 to a shared memory
buffer.  If dfb lets you map an address in memory to a dfb surface, then
this would be quite straight forward.  The code to vf_outbuf is very
trivial and you could probably do something similar with xine in 10
minutes.  In fact, vf_outbuf just opens up a whole lot of interesting
possibilities that I'm surprised mplayer doesn't already have something
like it.

(vf_outbuf actually makes more sense as a video out, but for MeBox I
need the mplayer instance to be able to render to both the buffer and
vo_xv, or only one of them, and that can be adjusted at runtime.)


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