Andre Truter wrote:
On Wed, 2005-06-01 at 08:34 +0200, Fabio Papa wrote:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~> lsdvd -v /dev/dvd
libdvdread: Using libdvdcss version 1.2.8 for DVD access
*** Zero check failed in ifo_read.c:324
   for vmgi_mat->zero_3 = 0x00000000010000000000000000000000000000

*** libdvdread: CHECK_VALUE failed in ifo_read.c:974 ***
*** for n % 4 == 0 ***


Hmm, I didn't realize you were talking about a self recorded DVD. It's very possible that the recorder did not follow standard DVD structure and that is fooling lsdvd, which is built to work with commercial DVDs. Have you tried with a normal (commercial) dvd?

Yes, that is probably it.  The DVD was created on one of the commercial
settop boxes. Shows that family recorded for me.

I popped in an audio CD and it picked it up and listed the songs. (Could
not play them though, but I think that is due to a different config
setting that I have not gotten round to)

I will try a commercial DVD and see what happens.

Is there a way of manually starting mplayer?  MPlayer can play the dvd.
Maybe add a menu option to launch a custom command (mplayer dvd://)
I have overseas family that put family pictures and video recordings of
holidays and events on DVD and send it to us.
It would be nice be able to play this on Freevo.

It should be possible to place an fxd file somewhere on your hd containing the playing command for your dvd. Take a look to the wiki at

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