I think a few people need to get into high fidelity audio.

>  To be clear : cable is cable, it's just a piece of metal.( Some people 
>  claims they can hear the difference between a gold and a copper cable, 
>  come on, let's be serious)

Seriousely, ALL cables have a sonic signature.  Silver is, in general, a
harsher sounding material.  Copper is, again, in general, a warmer sounding
material.  Stranded cables can have a sort of grainy sound, while solid
cables sound different depending on the guage.

>  Messing with cable impedance will result in signal loss.

Very true.  Look at Media Interconnect Technology (MIT).  They have for
years manufactured RCA interconnects with different impedance so you can
more closely match the output impedance of, say, your CD player with the
input impedance of your processor.

>  Conclusion is to use the correct cable type and impedance, use quality 
>  cables, but don't go buying gold when it works as good with normal ones.

No one (under the $10,000 per 10 feet) makes pure gold cables.  Only the
actual terminator is gold (or more commonly gold plated).  The reason for
this is gold resists corrosion when an electrical signal is passed through.
Have you ever used typical stranded copper speaker cable without terminating
it first?  After about a year of usage, the exposed copper at both the
amplifier end and the speaker end has started to oxidize (rust) and has a
dull appearance.  But, cut the wire further toward the center, and the
copper is still as bright as new.  That is why Monster Cable and others sell
gold plated terminators for your speaker cable.

Before anyone makes an opinion regarding the quality (or lack thereof) of
cables, they really need to go listen to a set of $100 speaker cables
compared to $1000 speaker cables.  The difference will be amazing.  Even
similar cables, priced the same, from different manufacturers sound
different.  Just take the time and actually set up a good test.  Then let a
friend switch the cables while you take the "Pepsi challenge".

-Andrew Jergens

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